Learn the 1000 Most Common Biblical Manakahthey Words


The list of words are extremely easy to understand after you read my book “Primitive Sign Language, Vol.One: Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew“. You will be able to relate the words to symbols and memorize them if you relate them to hand signs and symbols. That is why I wrote my book to get your mind thinking in a symbolic way and for you to relate to the words.

I will be creating my lessons on Manakahthey.com and making videos to go with it for many words in Manakahthey. It is a huge project I have to do and it needs more support. Don’t expect to have if you don’t give. Patreon.com/bathyah to give you support and gain free access to all of the Manakahthey.com lessons and access to this website to download any worksheets that go with the words.

Currently, The Manakahthey Translation Game & Flashcards have the latest dated words and you can download the worksheets here.




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