Modern Doctors are Priests according to the Bible


Modern Doctors are Priests according to the Bible

You might find it hard to believe but doctors are priests and they are in the religion of Science. Sciencists even have a God, the Sun ☀️. The law of the sun is that it rotates around the earth. They don’t obey the laws in the Bible because Science teaches there is no God.

This likely has many implications which I will touch upon another article. I will prove here first “doctors are priests “.

#1 – The job of priests & doctors has always been intertwined

The Witch-doctor is a Priest & a Doctor & a Pharmacist all in one.

-Biblical priests prescribed healing remedies also. Witches act as priests and pharmacists.

#2 – The Snake on the Pole Symbol

The Symbol of Moses is the Same Symbol of the Doctors. Moses was a Priest & Healer.

In the bible, the people went to the priests for healing for Leprosy or if they had a running issue. The priest when speaking to Yahuah and would pray for you to ask for healing. sometimes you might a get a prescription to eat some figs or wash in the Jordan river.

#3 – The word pharmacy means “sorcery”

What is the difference between a Witchdoctors laboratory & that of Scientists or Doctors?

There is a reason doctors don’t like herbs and natural remedies, it is easier to relate them back to being priests or witches.

#4 – Doctors & Priests offer “sacrifices”

Righteous priests offered lawful animal sacrifices, but wicked priests offered animals and humans.  Modern doctors decide when people live and die all the time. Biblical priests also decided when people died if they were wicked, sometimes it meant death.  In the jails, who administers the drugs to kill the evil inmate on death row?

#5 – Doctors & Priests Kill Babies

In Hospitals, who authorizes a woman to sacrifice her baby? If you are so depressed, doctors allow you to sacrifice your life by helping you kill yourself.

#6 – Priest & Doctors are Surgeons

Who is skilled in cutting open animals or humans? Both doctors & priests.

If you offer your organs, it is the doctor’s decides to fight for your life or take your organs and offer it to another.

If a Witchdoctor needs an eye of an old man, he also does surgery to get it.

Why did the natives in South Africa see John A Hunt as a White witchdoctor?

#7 –  Modern Doctors are Really Witches

The act of brainwashing is a thing left to a Psychologist and a Witch

The News Media conducts witchcraft by using hypnosis methods in their commercials to sell products. Its a fact.

See this article here..



NEW YORK, NY – Psychiatrists and witch doctors are “first cousins,” a top psychiatrist declares.
“It’s true,” says noted author Dr. E. Fuller Torrey.
“The similarities in techniques used by witch doctors and psychiatrists far outweigh the differences.”
And psychologist Dr. Stanley Krippner – who’s made an in-depthy study of witch doctors’ practices – pointed out striking similarities between African tribal medicine men and their counterparts in the psychiatric profession:
– Witch doctors and psychiatrists both prescribe medication.
– Another procedure they have in common is family therapy. Native healers work with the entire family, just as psychotherapists do.
– Both psychiatrists and their witch doctor counterparts work at correcting their clients’ bad behavior.
– Both psychiatrsits and native healers analyze their patients’ dreams as a means of psychotherapy.
– Native healers work with herbal remedies, which correspond to the drug therapies that are used by a lot of psychiatrists.
They even us an amazingly similar method of curing an age-old problem – bed wetting:
Witch doctors in Nigeria tie a special live frog around the offending child’s leg, said Dr. Krippner.
“If the child wets the bed, the frog gets upset by the moisture, croaks loudly and wakes up the youngster,” he explained.
And in our own society, some psychiatrists recommend that bed wetters sleep on a special pad that sounds a loud alarm when it gets wet, Dr. Krippner observe


It should be no surprise then that the priests in Zephaniah 3:4 are Doctors~!


“Vaccination & Dictatorship in the Bible”



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