Evidence #47 – Massive Genetic Study Reveal 90% of Animals “appeared” all at the SAME time


Evidence #47 – Massive Genetic Study Reveal 90% of Animals “appeared” all at the SAME time

The Journal of Human Evolution Published the Massive Genetic Study

In this study it proves that the Historical account of Genesis 1 did in fact happen, but they will not say those exact words. Instead, they said that they are unclear as to how it happened but somehow, MOST animals appeared on earth in exactly the same time. Do you know how many animals there are on earth? The ocean, the sky and the land? For most of them to appear on earth in the same time is an act of God!

Read this…

In a massive genetic study, senior research associate at the Program for the Human Environment at Rockefeller University Mark Stoeckle and University of Basel geneticist David Thaler discovered that virtually 90 percent of all animals on Earth appeared at right around the same time.

More specifically, they found out that 9 out of 10 animal species on the planet came to being at the same time as humans did.

They even said they “fought against the facts”

“This conclusion is very surprising,” says Thaler, “and I fought against it as hard as I could.”

See this link to read more


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