Manakahthey Symbols

These are the Manakahthey Symbols
I purposely do not call them letters because each symbol carries various meanings. The symbols then come together to form words based on their meanings. See the Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew.
Manakahthey Symbols Worksheets (Crossword puzzle, word search, matching, multiple choice, unscramble etc… in English Transliteration and Manakahthey)
- Video Intro
- ALaP
- BeyTh
- GaMaL
- DaLaTh
- aHBaL
- uu
- ZeyN
- KaheyTs
- TeyT
- YeD
- KaP
- LaMaD
- MeyM
- NuN
- SaMaK
- IeyN
- PaH
- TsaD
- QuP
- RaASh
- ShaN
- Thu
- The Alapbeyth Song
𐤀 (ALaP) means “bull” in Manakahthey. This symbol is called “ALaP” because the origin of the symbol comes from sign language. The hand gesture looks like it is referencing the bull’s two horns. Bull is such a cute name for this letter, but it also helps to create many words from it’s symbolic meaning. You must learn about the nature of the bull to fully understand the “ALaP” symbol. 𐤀 makes the short “a” sound as in appreciate.
This symbol: 𐤁, is called “BeyTh”. BeyTh means “house” in Manakahthey. This symbol helps to communicate something is “inside”, it actually doesn’t have any meanings having to do with “a house”, but the nature of being housed. 𐤁 makes the “B” sound as in ball.
This symbol 𐤂, is called “GaMaL”. GaMaL means “Camel” in Manakahthey. The name of this symbol comes from the hand gesture which is tall as a camel. You must know the attributes of the camel that this symbol is drawing out in order for you to know the many meanins of the GaMaL symbol, it’s in my book. 𐤂 makes the “G” sounds as in goat.
This symbol 𐤃 is called “DaLaTh”. DaLaTh means “Door” in Manakahthey. 𐤃 makes the “D” sound as in door.
This symbol 𐤄, is called “aHBaL”. aHBaL means “air” in Manakahthey. This symbol 𐤄 is called “air” because the hand gesture communicates “nothing or unseen” as well as “air”. Air is a “thing” that easy to understand yet it is unseen”. aHBaL 𐤄 makes the “aH” sounds as in awful
This symbol 𐤅 is called “uu”. The double “u” was named after this symbol. The reason for two of the same letter is that it communicates “hooks” or a connection. This symbol is all about joining and more. This is the most used symbol and never begins a word in Manakahthey expect for the word for hook which is called “uu”. Every other time you see “𐤅” (uu) symbol in the beginning of a word it is a prefix “and or but”. 𐤅 (uu) makes the “u” sound as in Judah.
This symbol 𐤆 is called ZeyN. Zeyn means “kinetic energy”. It gets its name from the hand gesture. No one knew what this symbol meant until I brought it out in my book “Primitive Sign Language Vol. One: Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew”. Find out why it is called “kinetic energy”. 𐤆 makes the “Z” sound as in zoom.
This symbol 𐤇 is called “KahyeTs”. KaheyTs means “wall” in Manakahthey and makes the “Kah” sound in chorus.
This symbol 𐤈, is called “TeyT”. TeyT means “mire” in Manakahthey and it makes the “T” sound as in tomato. Does the symbol look like a mire or mud? Then what does the symbol mean? This is caused many to scratch their heads in wonder, but I know why because I know Manakahthey was founded in sign language. You can know also if you read my book.
This symbol 𐤉 means “hand”, but does it look like a hand? Pretend to pick something on shelf level to your head and look in the mirror. Do you see the hand now? This is the gesture of the YeD symbol. No one knew it until they learned it from me. The meanings of this YeD symbol come from this gesture, but the gesture has meanings that are not easily to “know” by looking in the mirror. You must get my book. Yahuah revealed it to me and I am his servant. Support the good work and buy the book. YeD makes the “Ye” as in yeast or “ey” baby sound.
This symbol 𐤊 is called the “KaP”. Cup & CaP has the same meaning as this symbol. Kap means “palm” more importantly “open palm”. When your palm is open you are giving, holding or receiving. The Cup holds drinks and the CaP envelops your head. Manakahthey was the first language of all people. You will find many words in other languages still retain the meaning of the sound of their words even if it is spelled differently. 𐤊 makes the “K” sound as in cap. Learn more from my book. This is an amazing symbol.
This symbol 𐤋 is called “LaMaD”. The symbol means goad, but when you see the word LaMaD in the Concordance, it says learn or teach. What is the relationship to goad? Find out in my book “Primitive Sign Language Vol. One, Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew“. I was drawn to being a shepherd and still am after receiving the information about this symbol. I was in awe amazement. Let’s put it this way. All the major players that had Yahuah’s heart to obey and keep his Torah were all Shepherds! Abel, David, Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Rachel too, etc… Learn why Yahuah seems to be “impressed” with the job of being a Shepherd from reading my book.
Lamad makes the L sound as in Lama.
This symbol 𐤌 is called “MeyM” in Manakahthey. MeyM means “water” and has the “M” sound as in mom. Why does the prefix mean “from”? This is because the meaning came from the hand gesture of the symbol.
This symbol 𐤍 is called “NuN”. Nun means “sprout” as well as other meanings. The nature of a sprout tells us the many meanings of the symbol. You would be amiss if you go any further and do not discover this. This symbol tells you a type of action that words are giving off if you know the nature of a sprout. 𐤍 makes the “N” sound as in nut.
This symbol 𐤎 is called “SaMaK”. SaMaK means “grasp” in Manakahthey, but did you know no one knew what this symbol represented until I wrote my book? That is all I can say there is more in my book. 𐤎 makes the “S” sound as in sock.
This symbol 𐤏 is called “IeyN”. IeyN means “eyes” in Manakahthey, and makes the long “I” sound as in icicle. That is not a coincident that the letter “I” is called eye and this symbol means eyes. This is to further prove that all languages evolved from one origin: Manakahthey. The main meaning of this symbol will shock you. It is not eyes. The meaning, you guessed it, comes from the sign language or hand gesture of the symbol. Although, it communicates eyes, it mainly expresses something else. Not knowing this symbol is failing to understand what many words mean. This symbol is a game changer to words. The presence of this symbol turns around the whole meaning of a word, but why? Get the answers from my book.
This is the PaH symbol 𐤐. PaH means “mouth” in Manakahthey and makes the “P” sound as in potato. Their is one meaning that symbol communicates in the vast majority of it’s words. The name for “mouth” is communicating this meaning. Can you tell what it is?
Do you think the TsaD symbol 𐤑 is kinda “weird” looking? Not only is the symbol funny looking but the sound can be hard to pronounce too. It means side in Manakahthey, but the “side” believe it or not … is SYMBOLIC. You can’t know what side means, until you read my book, it covers a wide range of meanings, yet accurately still also communicates the side. I can give you one clue: this symbol means “outside” and “inside”. What do these words have the “TsiD” or (side)? Again, this is not an coincident the the English words inside and outside has the word “TsaD” inside of them and also communicates Side. Manakahthey is the origins of many languages. “TsaD” makes the “Ts” sound as in Betsy.
Another symbol that left every with a blank stare. What is it? Well I call it a siege, but it is the image of something that communicates a siege. The symbol is called “QuP and has the “Ku” sound represented by “Q” as in Queen or quarter as in cute or quiet.
This is the Ra’ASh symbol 𐤓, which means “head” in Manakahthey. This is a strong symbol, you could say it is “head strong”. I am sorry, that wasn’t funny, but I couldn’t help it. The Ra’ASh symbol is the cream of the crop. It is the leader and never the tail. There is more of course to this symbol but I just gave you alot of meanings thus far. YeShaR’AL (aka Israel for those that don’t know) has the “RaASh” symbol inside it’s name because Yahuah said “YeShaR’AL will be the head of all the nations”. ShaR means Prince, Leader or Captain in Manakahthey as an example. RaASh makes the “R” sound as in rabbit.
This symbol is called “ShaN” 𐤔. ShaN means tooth in Manakahthey and makes the “Sh” sound as in shower. Why is it called tooth? You might be fooled by the name, but this might be the most amazing symbol in Manakahthey. From this symbol beauty and destruction comes.
The final symbol is called “Thu” 𐤕. Thu makes the “Th” sound as in thanks. Thu means “mark” in Manakahthey, but Thu has so many other meanings beside mark. For example, Did you know this symbol means house? I told you in the BeyTh symbol, that BeyTh doesn’t mean house. The meaning of house comes from the hand gesture of this symbol. What? That is right, make the connections by reading my book. You can’t learn about the symbols in this short article. My book is 400 pages of solid information about the symbolic means of each and every Manakahthey symbol. If you were amazed at what you learned so far, take the time and value yourself by giving your mind the proper language education and invest in “Primitive Sign Language Vol. One Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew“.
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