
About Itharey.com

Shalum (Greetings) Everyone,

about itharey manakahthey cardsLet me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Itharey, daughter of the Diaspora:  I am an Ibarey Yeshar’Aley (Hebrew Israelite) from the tribe of Yahudah (Judah) of the House of Dauyad (David) from the Cape Verde Island Diaspora. My people (of the Cape Verde Islands) are the Original “Black Jews” of Spain & Portugal.  We were exiled during the Spanish Inquisition.  Read more about this on an up & coming article.

My religion is Yahuism. The suffix “-ism” indicates a belief, practice, or condition related to a particular concept or ideology. Examples include feminism, capitalism, socialism, and Hinduism. I believe in Yahuah so my belief system is Yahu-ism or Yah-ism or Yahuah-ism. This is English. The children of Yeshar’Al are married to Yahuah. He is real and we are his witnesses. We don’t believe him, we know him! There is special protection for religious rights and in order to protect our way of life we must use “Yahuism” to communicate the Truth to people. So they can allow us to cover our heads, eat our foods, wear our clothes because we do it because we believe in a higher power. Watch my video “Religion vs Being an Israelite”

Religion vs Being an Israelite


Itharey.com is dedicated to Professing Yahuism and which includes teaching יהוה’s commandments called the Torath and the Original Language of all mankind called “Manakahthey”.

Yahuism is the worship of יהוה (Yahuah) or the religious system based on such worship. Yahuism is directly connected to being an Israelite because יהוה dwells among Yeshar’Al.

EXODUS 29:45

“And I will dwell among the children of Yeshar’Al, and will be their Alaheym.” יהוה  dictates how we ought to worship him. His instructions are in the Torah, which were given to the Yeshar’Al.

יהוה ‘s religious system was entrusted to the Yeshar’Al. This is why many of Yeshar’Al don’t claim to a religion because they do not separate themselves from their religious worship of יהוה . What they fail to realize is that not all who are of Yeshar’Al worship יהוה . We are a people, and we have a religion if we choose keep it.


“He sheweth HIS WORD UNTO JACOB, his STATUTES and his JUDGMENTS UNTO Yeshar’Al. 20He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye יהוה .”

 Who are the Children of Yeshar’Al (Israel)

We are a Set-apart Nation of Priests, married to יהוה  (not divorcing יהוה  & engaged JC)


“They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man’s, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith יהוה .”

EXODUS 19:5-6

“Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And ye shall be unto me a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, and an HOLY NATION. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.”

What I believe

I believe in Truth and the truth is with יהוה  Alaheym.

(Deuteronomy 32:4) “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: An Al of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he”.

Seek him for the truth & he will never disappoint you.


Isaiah 45:18

For thus saith יהוה  that created the heavens; Alaheym himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am יהוה ; and there is none else. 19 I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth:  I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye me in vain: I יהוה  speak righteousness, I declare things that are right. 20 Assemble yourselves and come; draw near together, ye that are escaped of the nations:


About My Mission Statement:


My mission is to promote righteousness according to the Torah Laws & Prophets, the true worship of Yah, Manakahthey & the Yeshar’Al Culture.

Teach Anyone who has an Ear to Hear

I make YouTube videos, Create Scripture Picture Flyers and Online Courses that require layer upon layer teaching for more information I write articles concerning Scripture Topics, Thurah Laws, audio lessons and quizzes.



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About My Other Websites

Hebrew Clothes -HebrewGarments.com


I am closing this business. I no longer sew full time and usually not at all anymore. My goal is Manakahthey. I need more money to push it and I must do something else. I don’t know where you can get clothes made following the 7 Thurah laws, so don’t ask. When or if I ever find someone, I will promote them on HebrewGarments.com. Go to this site to learn about the 7 Thurah clothing laws and see the clothes I used to make. People didn’t steadily support it, only on feast days, so it can be a viable business.



-This website is dedicated to teaching the Yeladeem’s the way of Yah.  Yah’s Yeladeem is written for children to read & comprehend. Thurah (the laws in the bible) and the Hebrew Israelite Culture are the focus of this website.   This website is safe for children of all ages. The Scriptures refers to “Children” as under 20 years old, as does this website.


Love Connections in Yah;


– Online Courting Website; Finding your significant other in a world that doesn’t know the Creator Yah can seem impossible.  Search our database for free & you’ll see it’s very promising at YahsSingles.com. Meet other marry-minded singles who call on Yah (יהוה , Yahweh, Yahuwah, Ahayah etc…) & keep his commandments.  The Online Dating Alternative is Finally Here.This Website Was Made for You because you do not believe in the dating scene & casual sex.  You are Yah’s set a part people; If you are a keeper of the covenant (either Messianic or Non-Messianic) & you are looking to get married; Join today.






This website is run by my husband, Israel Villa and I. It promotes tribal identity, culture of the tribes and the laws.




This website promotes my book “Primitive Sign Language” and it also is my book store because it was my first book. When it concerns Yahuah, the language is tied to it. We need to learn it to know him and understand our culture. Can you take out Chinese writing out of Chinese? Then why would you even think you don’t need to get your language back. You can’t get your culture back without your language. I say “back” because Jeremiah 17:4 says Yahuah took the culture away from the children of Yeshar’Al. If you want to return to him good, but you need to also learn the language.




This website hold Manakahthey lessons that I put out. You can sign up for the free course, there are 3.  If you want to get further into your studies I am working on more lessons, but I need support to finish them. Currently, only Patreon.com/bathyah supports get access to these exclusive lessons.




This website promotes the Shabath days and gives an understanding of it. I wrote the book titled the same to further explain it. Read about it here.

I found the True Shabath Day – Great Reveal!


Summary About My Beliefs

The True Shabath has Nothing to Do with the Cycles of the Moon

I wrote the book you see above ” Cycle of the Sun” to explain how to calculate the 7th Day Shabath and to reveal some startling information.  I explain why there is much debate concerning the Shabath day and I also explain the other feast days. The feast days are also Shabath days and they also have nothing to do with the moon. Visit CycleoftheSun.com to learn why.
If you we keep the 7th day Shabath, you should also keep the feast day Shabath.  The Shabath is a Shabath no matter how you look at it. Its a day to remember by resting from your work.  Is it no surprise this world makes us stop working to honor their gods? Should we not rest on the Shabath Feast days also? Are feast day Sabbaths done away with? Where is the scripture that states we are not to keep the feast day Shabaths?

Only the Law & the Prophets are the Inspired Word of יהוה 

Only the prophets of יהוה are truly inspired.  Moses was a prophet & spoke to יהוה face to face.  He received the Laws, Statutes and judgments from יהוה  to give to Israel.  A prophet must prophesy in order for us to test if he indeed has the word of Yah.
Why do we believe this? If anyone, congregation, religion, man or woman contradicts “Thus saith, יהוה “, by the word of his prophet, than you must believe the prophet over man or group.  This is why it is very important to make sure what you believe is indeed the word of Yah from his prophets, otherwise, it is false.

יהוה’s Word is Pure; Do not add your own words to it

Proverbs 30:5-6 (5) Every word of Eloah is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.(6) Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.This is always on the mind when creating a webpage or video for this website.  Very little explaining goes into the lessons because יהוה ‘s word is pure. Rather than explaining we choose using multiple scriptures to prove a point. This is highly preferred whenever possible to void  the chance of lying.

We are Covenant Keepers, which isn’t a man-made Religion

Yah made a covenant with his people to keep his commandments.  If you kept his covenant, than you keep all his commandments.  Yah’s people are covenant keepers. Are you a covenant keeper or covenant breaker?

Jesus & Paul, Saul of Tarsus are both False Prophets

Itharey.com does not use writings from Paul because we do not believe he is sent by יהוה , but that he is a false prophet.  Please understand that this website doesn’t focus on Paul being false, but rejects his writings. The focus is following יהוה & Keeping the commandments. If you believe Paul, this website isn’t against you, although we do have a very informative page outlining the many reasons why we reject him.  

The Law & the Prophets are the Inspired Words of יהוה 

יהוה ‘s name is in the Old Testament, from Genesis to Malachi.  However, his name is not in the New Testament.  Neither are there any “Thus saith, יהוה ” located in the texts.   We who are true followers of יהוה.
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