Evidence #55 Proof Yahuah Exists / Yahuah Created Water & Day from Night Separation


Evidence #55 Proof Yahuah Exists / Yahuah Created Water & Day from Night Separation

Yahuah gave us his Witness about his Creation. We have Day & Night in Existence and it’s Proof that Yahuah Created it. He know how he made it, you do not have those answers though you may try to guess. It did not come from nothing as that is not what we see happening in our physical world.

See Evidence #90 and learn about the 24 hour rotation of the Sun.


Genesis 1:2-3

And the earth became without form, and void; 

and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 

And the Spirit of Alahym moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And Alahym said, Let there be light: and there was light.

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