Evidence #60 – Proof Yahuah Exists / The Physical Law of Thermodynamics- You can’t get SOMETHING from NOTHING

Evidence #60 – Proof Yahuah Exists / The Physical Law of Thermodynamics- You can’t get SOMETHING from NOTHING
The First law proves Yahuah is the Creator because Something never came from nothing.
The First Law of Thermodynamics says…
ENERGY CAN NOT BE CREATED. Since the Universe and Earth has a beginning, it means it was first Nothing. No Energy Existed before that beginning. Who put that energy into the Universe?
It doesn’t matter how the try to explain creation of the universe and earth, this law requires a Creator who is eternal to come in and put all things into existence.
No Complex System ever appeared without an intellectual being. When they tell you billions and billions of years an accident exploded, it is a gross speculation of improbability and reason. Who caused the accident if NOTHING was there?
Fools speak MUCH Words because they need much words to confuse you.
Truth is Einstein said…
They can’t explain Creation without an Obscure Uncalculatable Number of Years in the far past, which makes it untestable, thus can’t even be proven do they call it a theory… the Big Bang Theory. You can’t get that Big Bang to start without a Creator.
Psalms 139:13-14
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.