Exposing Fauci, the Wicked High Priest of the Daughter of Babylon

Exposing Fauci, the Wicked High Priest of the Daughter of Babylon
Fox news lets us know Fauci is a “con-artist”.
It was the Roman Catholic church who was responsible for the Spanish Jew Inquishion. These were inquision of real Israelites who lived in Spain.
See my information to prove most “White People” are Edomites. I have 15 reasons to prove this without a doubt. The Edomites are the most evil people on the planet, this should be seen without a doubt. The planet is suffering because of their rulership and Yahuah hates them for good reason. Stockholme Syndrome and Pride blocks many from not even looking at my reasons and evidence. If you don’t know that they are the “Daughter of Babylon” you won’t know to leave from their presence and rulership. You have been warned.