Homeschool Website created by Itharey

Academy of Erudition

Academy of Erudition is not a new website. It’s an old website that I almost lost but recovered. If you are needing help homeschooling your children, this website might be useful for you as it was for me. I made it while homeschooling my children. I wanted to organize my links and information and share it with others. I no longer homeschool my children, but the website is dear to my heart. My children are all grown now, but I making the site available for those who need it.

I am fixing and checking links that don’t work currently, so bare with me. I will continue to add lessons and Sister Lilly will also help in adding lessons.

If you are homeschooling your child and are in the truth of Yahuah, contact me if you want to help. This website is for the love of the children and to help parents teach their children.


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