I am Itharey, Prophesied in Zephaniah 3:10

Watch the video above, then read this information below concerning my name.
Shalom, My name is Itharey 𐤏𐤕𐤓𐤉 for those of you who don’t know me. This video is a remake of my previous video titled, I am Itharey 𐤏𐤕𐤓𐤉. The audio and the video wasn’t very good and I stuttered a lot, so I wanted to do a remake. I will recover everything in that previous video, as well as offer additional information. I will reveal to you more hand gestures for many Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉
words today. If you are on YouTube, click over here (or below) to access the closed caption.
This video will have closed caption in multiple languages, so if you require a closed caption in your language, just comment in the video and I will see what I can do. This is a very important video for me, for you today. I’m here to tell you about the prophecy concerning me and the Ancient Hebrew language,
known as Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉. This prophecy is located in Zephaniah 3 9-10. I am going to read to you the King James version of this prophecy,
then I will give you the correct translation.
The king James version is a mistranslated.
Zephaniah 3 9-10 – for then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of the lord, to serve him with one consent, from beyond the rivers of Ethiopia,
my suppliants even the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering. What does that scripture mean? Those two verses are very confusing because the King James version mistranslated it. This is the proper translation.
Zephaniah 3:9 speaks concerning the pure language according to King James. I chose the translation authentic language because the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 language was founded in hand signs.
Ancient Biblical Hebrew is the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉
language. I refer to Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 as Ancient Biblical Hebrew, but it’s not Hebrew. The Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 language is the language before Hebrew.
It’s the language of Noah and his three sons. This is the language that all humans in the days of Noah.
The days when his sons repopulated the earth. This is the language they spoke.
I wrote the details and the archaeological evidences in this book, “The Origins of Language”. You can access this book on Amazon Kindle or you can get this book for just $4.99. You can get this book on Amazon if you’re not in the United States or you can go to PrimitiveSignLanguage.com/shop I am going to read the literal translation to you and also put up the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 symbols here
on the screen for you with the English translation.
For then will I return to
the people (an) authentic language, to call on the name of Yahuah, to serve him shoulder one,
from beyond, to the rivers of Cush, Itharey daughter of the dispersed (Diaspora) shall bring Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉.
This is what it really says, to access these literal translations get the book or go to PrimitiveSignLanguage.com I just read to you the verse and I gave you the correct translation
but that is simply not enough. To prove that I am Itharey daughter of the diaspora, I am going to prove to you that I have the authentic language
of the ancient Hebrew language and it’s called “Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉”. In this book, “The Etymology of Ancient
Biblical Hebrew, I prove that Ancient Hebrew was founded in sign language. Ancient Hebrew is called “Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉” and I also proved that in this book.
I have more revelation concerning Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉.
Today I’m going to show you the hand gesture of Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 and additional information concerning what Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 means. Let me take a moment to show you the hand signs for the Ancient Hebrew symbols as well as how to sign many words. I’m going to cover many words that I didn’t cover in the previous “I am Itharey” a video, so those of you who’ve already watched it, please stay tuned. Now I will introduce to you some Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 hand signs. The first hand sign that I’m going to introduce to you is the “beyth” symbol. The “beyth”
symbol communicates in, with, on, against. You can only know this by knowing Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 is a hand gesture.
The next symbol is an opposite symbol – “lamad” looks like this, “lamad” is hand signed like this.
It’s opposite to “beyth”. “Lamad” communicates to, toward.
If you tell somebody to “go out” or you tell them to “go to”, you’re pointing that way. The “lamad” hand gesture points, it also directs.
The next hand gesture is the “𐤊 KaP” symbol. The “𐤊” symbol is called the palm. If you notice it’s an open palm gesture and it’s that simple.
The next symbol is the “𐤄- ahbal” symbol.
This is the hand sign of the “𐤄 ahbal” symbol, does it look like the “𐤄 ahbal” symbol?
The hand sign of the “𐤄 ahbal” symbol is a fan. It’s my hand waving air in my face. “ahbal”, if you check it out in a strong concordance, it means vapor, it means breath, but I believe it means air, also. When you fan yourself like this, you get air. “𐤄 ahbal” means air, vapor, breath.
It also communicates spirit. “𐤄 ahbal” also means vanity, when somebody thinks less of you,
they go like that…
please …please… they fan you away. “𐤄 ahbal” ball hand sign is also used to fan away things, this is why “𐤄 ahbal” means vanity or useless it also means idol, something useless.
An idol is a useless thing. Now to show you the hand gestures. How to Sign Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉! Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 is the name of this language, but what does this language mean? In my previous video, I mentioned that Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 means offering, when you look it up it does mean offering, however it has other meanings, another meaning that Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 has is rest or peaceful state. In Zephaniah 3:10 Itharey, the daughter of the diaspora is mentioned bringing the language called Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉. In this verse it does not mean offering, it’s referring to the language. The language is called Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉. so this word actually has a different meaning. I believe that Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 does mean restful and peaceful state as in unity in Zephaniah 3:9-10, it mentions that the people of the world would be one shoulder. One shoulder communicates being in agreement, being at peace,
being in a restful state, so while Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 does mean rest, I realize that it has another meaning.
Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 means from / hand /gestures. That’s right the name Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 means from hand gestures.
I’m going to show you why, right now. The word Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉, the first letter is the “𐤌 meym” symbol.
The “𐤌 meym”, if you study Hebrew, is a prefix to many words and in the word Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉, of Zephaniah 3:10 it’s also used as a prefix to mean from, the second letter is the “𐤍 nun” symbol. The “nun’ is called the sprout, the attributes of a sprout is that it’s new or that it comes forth and it communicates birth. Okay, so the “𐤍 nun” symbol communicates origin and birth, so stay with me for a moment. Next is what’s going to be signed the “nun” symbol is signed upward as if
something is growing, so if you notice ….
my hand gesture is drawing out the shape of the “𐤍 nun” symbol. Okay, the “𐤍 nun” symbol goes upward, it communicates going up. It communicates origin in the word of “Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉” (referring to the language). This is how you sign the rest letters.
The “𐤇 kaheyts” symbol is the wall. The “𐤇 kaheyts” symbol always has the “ahbal” symbol on its wall. If you notice the symbol looks like a wall and then the “ahbal” symbol looks like it’s hitting it’s wall. That’s because the hand gesture hits the wall.
The “𐤄 ahbal” symbol communicates many things but in this word in Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 it’s communicating …this (see hand sign). It’s not communicating anything but what you see.
It’s communicating me hit in my hand,… stay with me. The next letter is the “𐤕 thu” symbol. The “𐤕 thu” symbol is called a mark, a mark is a sign, okay so = hand sign.
The last letter is the “𐤉 yed” symbol. The “𐤉 yed” in the end of this word is communicating plural.
okay so I’m going to put this word together.
“Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉” – from / origin / hand / sign / plural / or from origin of hand signs.
That’s what Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 means. Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 means from origin of hand signs, according to these symbols, you can know this by reading my book. I hope you’re still with me and excited to learn some more hand signs. This word “𐤎𐤐𐤓 sapar” is signed like this… This is the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 hand gesture for “𐤎𐤐𐤓 sapar” …
Now, why is that the “𐤎𐤐𐤓 sapar” hand gesture? The Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 symbols told me to do this.
The first letter is the “𐤎 samak” symbol.
Now “samak”, I discovered means grasp.
but if you were to ask somebody who speaks Hebrew, they would tell you something different. Some will tell you they don’t know, for the most part people do not know what the “𐤎 samak” symbol means. If you visit primitive sign language.com You can find out what all the symbol means and this is what the “samak” means. “𐤎 Samak” means grasp, as you see, I’m grasping my hand. If you look in the Strong’s Concordance, you’ll see that they say the “𐤎 samak” means hold. If you see… I’m also holding my hand. This is where the meaning of the “𐤎 samak” symbol comes from. It means grasp, not hold because to grasp is to hold. Now this symbol is utilized in the word “𐤎 sapar” because it looks like a scroll, like you’re about to open a scroll, so you grab the scroll and then you open.
The “𐤐 pah” symbol is the second letter. The “𐤐 pah” symbol
as you see, if you see this way, is an opening. The “𐤐 pah” symbol means opening and if you notice my hands are open. This is the hand gesture of the “𐤐 pah”
symbol. Okay, you can maybe see it better like this or like this, so you take the “𐤎 samak” symbol and then you connect it with the “𐤐 pah” symbol and then you have the last symbol which is the “𐤓 ra’ash” symbol
means “head”, but why does it mean head? If you look at my hands
this is the shape of the “𐤓 ra’ash” symbol. This is where the symbol gets it’s look. This is the hand gesture of the “𐤓 ra’ash” symbol is used in many words to communicate writing and other things but it is called head. because it looks like my hand is like a puppet, it’s a puppet hand gesture. “𐤂 galah”
this is the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 word meaning uncover, this is the hand gesture.
if you notice I reached down and it looked like I took off a cover and I threw it out. These symbols told me to go like this.
okay and the meaning of “𐤂 galah” means uncover and as you see the first letter is “𐤂 gamal”. The “𐤂 gamal” letter is called the camel. “𐤂 gamal” means camel. If you notice it looks like a camel’s head as it bounces. The “𐤂 gamal” hand gesture does this. In words, the “𐤂 gamal” symbol is communicating this action.
The only way you’re going to know that is by reading my book because I explain the many attributes of the “gamal” symbol and other symbols.
The next symbol in “𐤂 galah” is the “lamad” symbol.
Now as I mentioned earlier the “𐤋 lamad”
symbol is signed like this. The “𐤋 lamad” symbol typically means out or to in many words, but it has other meanings. The ”𐤋 lamad” symbol is signed like this and it basically is communicating that the cover, just came out. Okay, so it still means out in the word. You’re not going to know that the “𐤋 lamad” symbol in the word “𐤋 galah” is communicating out if you don’t know that the hand gesture to communicate “𐤂 galah” means out. The last letter is the “𐤄 ahbal” symbol, the “𐤄 ahbal” symbol is a fan and when you remove a cover and you take it out some wind happens, you know like, it’s basically you’re fanning it away. The “𐤄 ahbal” symbol is communicating this this fan-like gesture of the cover that is being removed. The cover as you know is fictitious according to the animated symbol of “galah”. “𐤊𐤋𐤁 kalab” means dog in Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉. Why does “𐤊𐤋𐤁 kalab” mean dog? Well the symbol looks like I am walking a dog and the dog is pulling me so I need to pull back. I’m throwing the leash down and the dog pulls me, but then I have to pull back. That is what the “𐤊𐤋𐤁 kalab” word is communicating. The “𐤊 kap”
symbol, the “𐤋 lamad” symbol and then the “𐤁 beyth” symbol = “𐤊𐤋𐤁 kalab”.
This Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 word is “𐤃𐤁𐤓 dabar”. “Dabar”
means speak or speech, it means words also. This is how you sign the “𐤃𐤁𐤓 dabar”. This is the hand sign of “𐤃𐤁𐤓 dabar”. If you notice, this hand gesture is very familiar. When someone is talking too much, this is what people might do. This is very typical.
This is the common human hand gesture for talking. Another common hand gesture would be shut up. Now, this is not in the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 language. but I just want to show you, basically,
the “𐤃𐤁𐤓 dabar” hand gesture, which means talking
is going backwards and it’s stopping.
If you’ve ever seen anybody do this to tell you to be quiet or to shh, they’re doing the “𐤃𐤁𐤓 dabar” hand gesture backwards. so this language the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 language is a universal language, that all humans used to utilize. This is the language of Noah and his three sons and as you know they repopulated the earth.
To learn more about the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 language,
you can see my book “the Origins of Language”,
in this book I cover how this language was among all the sons of Noah and all nations, the nations that existed in the beginning, according to the bible,
they utilized these symbols and these symbols they’re everywhere. Okay the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 symbols,
I’ll put it up right here, are everywhere. okay Ancient Greek utilized these symbols, Ancient Latin utilizes symbols, as you know Aramaic utilize these symbols also, okay and they’re usually thought of as Hebrew, but it’s not Hebrew.
and also the Canaanites utilize these symbols, so these symbols do not belong to just one country,
the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 symbols are for everybody, this is why I am providing a closed caption of this video in multiple languages, the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 language is the language of the world. The next Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 word that I’m going to hand sign is the word for
wing, the word for wing is spelled like this. This is the “𐤊𐤍𐤐 kanap”. The word for wing, also communicates extremity. I’m going to sign for you the word for wing.
“𐤊𐤍𐤐 ka-nap”
if you notice my hand gesture, just referenced the outer areas
of a bird, the wing, the extremities.
I outlined with my hands the extremities it’s like I’m drawing a bird, the “𐤊 kap” symbol is palm, as you notice – I go down. The “nun” symbol comes up and then I open with the “𐤐 pah” symbol.
These symbols told me to do what you saw.
You can’t refute it, this is the hand gesture of “kanap”. This Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 word is “𐤊𐤅𐤋 kul”.
“𐤊𐤅𐤋 Kul” means to provide. This is how you sign “kul”.
I utilize the “𐤊 kap” hand sign and the “uu”
hand sign and then the “𐤋 lamad” hand sign.
They work together to communicate. It looks like … I’m picking up something, (then) I have it in my hand and I’m passing it along. These letters communicate that. This word is “baqu’i” . “Baqu’i” means hatch. This is a very fun word to hand sign.
Did you catch all the hand gestures? The “ieyn”
symbol is being hit by the “𐤒 qup” symbol and if you notice, I brought it in. So, the first symbol is the “𐤁 beyth” symbol of bringing it in, the “𐤒 qup” symbol on top of the “𐤏 ieyn” symbol. You would never know the origin of “baqu’i”
if you didn’t know the hand gesture. This is well understood. Imagine yourself cracking an egg. “𐤆𐤊𐤓 zakar” means “male” and it also means remember.
The letters are the same for “zakar” as in remember”
and “zakar” for male. However, the hand gesture is totally different. The “𐤆𐤊𐤓 zakar” as in remember is hand signed like this. “𐤆𐤊𐤓 zakar” as in “male” will not be shown to you by me because the hand gesture is lewd and it’s unbecoming of me as a woman to show you. I can have a male person show you at another time, if you really need to see it but I will reveal it. Those of you who have read my book “Primitive Sign Language”, feel free to comment the meaning of the “𐤆 zeyn” letter in “𐤆𐤊𐤓 zakar”. I am done showing you the hand signs for the Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 words today, however I have one more Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 word to review.
“𐤐𐤉𐤋𐤂𐤔 peylgash”. The Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 word “𐤐𐤉𐤋𐤂𐤔 peylgash” means concubine, but in modern times it means girlfriend, or lover. This is another word I can’t show you how to sign because it’s very lewd, but I am going to tell you about it, the hand sign for this word is communicating “jerking off”, or a male “ejaculation”. A girlfriend
or a concubine or “𐤐𐤉𐤋𐤂𐤔 peylgash” is a thing that you use to jerk off to (for sexual release). A concubine or a girlfriend is not a wife it’s not someone you’ve committed yourself to but it’s a woman, a temporary wife for the day as long as you decide to keep her or as long as she decides to stay. Okay. You can see this in the story of Abraham and Hagar. Hagar left and it was her right,
she didn’t sin. She left Abraham but then decided to come back and that was fine with Abraham when she came back and then Abraham finally sent Hagar away (permanently),
that was fine too. He sent her away with a bag of food and water and that was it. She didn’t get anything else, she didn’t get any inheritance, her son didn’t get inheritance because Isaac was Abraham’s firstborn in the eyes of Yahuah. Ishmael had to go away, Hagar didn’t have a covenant. Hagar was a surrogate, she was “𐤐𐤉𐤋𐤂𐤔 peylgash”. Now a surrogate is a woman that has a child for another woman, so Ishmael was supposed to be Sarah’s adoptive son but instead… you know the story.
Yah promised that it would be Isaac and so Sarah had to let go of Ishmael and Ishmael stayed with Hagar. If you look up “𐤐𐤉𐤋𐤂𐤔 peylgash” in the strong concordance, you’ll find that the people who translated the bible did not know the origins of this word. They didn’t know the meaning of this word. I am Itharey and I’m telling you that “𐤐𐤉𐤋𐤂𐤔 peylgash” means jerking off (male ejaculation). if you read my book “Primitive Sign Language”, you would come to this conclusion by studying all the letters.
Okay, I will reveal to it to you in a post what it means, why these letters means, what it means but I cannot sign it. It’s literally the hand gesture is jerking off, okay imagine what jerking off looks like, that’s the hand gesture. I shall not sign it but you do need to know that “𐤐𐤉𐤋𐤂𐤔 peylgash” means jerking off, something you jerk off to. Those of you who are girlfriends,
those of you who are girlfriends or lovers or surrogates (not sure what to tell you.) Yahuah never ordained the daughters of Yeshar’Al to be “𐤐𐤉𐤋𐤂𐤔peylgash”.
Sisters be careful, some brothers are out there trying to tell you it’s okay for you to be a concubine and a girlfriend. Some people are even telling you that having sex makes you married. Some Israelites are professing this as a law. I already refuted it in my video Marriage Covenant long time ago many years ago and I talk often about this subject but I’m going to continue with this subject of the language and I’m going to leave this alone.
Now that I prove to you that I am Itharey and that I have the knowledge of the hand gestures,
consider showing your support by purchasing this book because I still have volume two to write.
Volume two will be a dictionary of all Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 words written in the bible
and it will reveal to you all the hand signs concerning this language.
This information is not available anywhere else.
I am the only one who can tell you this because I am Itharey, I was prophesied in the scriptures. The Almighty Yahuah gave me this information because I plainly asked for it. Making these videos takes time and I need to know that the people actually want this information. If you want this information, help me get the word out by sharing this video,
liking it and subscribing and showing your support. Let me know your thoughts of this video and if you have any questions I will try to be available to answer them
First, let’s read where I am mentioned in the scriptures…
This is my translation.
Zephaniah 3:9-10
9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of Yahuah, to serve him with shoulder to shoulder, 10 from beyond to river of Cush, Itharey, Daughter of the Diaspora, brings Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉.
The KJV states something entirely different. This is why no one was expecting a woman to come. I am mentioned right after it is stated that Yahuah would return the refined language. Itharey is the woman that has the refined language.
Itharey means “Having Hidden Knowledge”
You will not find in the Concordance that Itharey means “Having Hidden Knowledge”. I wrote the book “Primitive Sign Language” and you would need to look in there for the answers concerning words that are hardly mentioned in the bible. The word עתרי Itharey is mentioned only once to a person and that person is in Zephaniah 3:10, whom I am. To see the evidence that I am Itharey see this video.
This is the meaning of Itharey according to my book “Primitive Sign Language, Vol. 1 Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew”
Having Hidden Knowledge עתרי
ע = knowledge ת = covered ר= head י = having
To really understand the meaning of עתרי you need to know the meaning of the symbols. I gave you a summary above. I proved these meanings in my book. The symbols also carry other meanings, so in various words these meanings do not apply.
Let’s look at the meaning of עתרי Itharey together in Strong Concordance to see what they say Itharey means.
Strong’s 6279
עתר Ithar – “to Pray, Supplicate”
There are 20 verses proving עתר Ithar means “pray and supplicate”. I agree, but the symbols tell a better meaning. Ithar does mean “to Pray or Supplicate” in these words.
To Pray is to hide information in your mind. Yahuah reads your mind and thus the communication between you and the Creator proceeds. In this case, עתר Ithar means “ע = knowledge ת = covered ר= head”. A prayer is a covered knowledge or information in your head. This word is related to my name, but my name does not mean “Pray”.
Strong’s 6280
Ithar – “to be abundant” and it also says “be deceitful, multiply”
Brown Drivers & Briggs states “to be abundant
This translation is comical. It is so off, it really isn’t funny, its sad. In the two verses below, KJV concludes different meaninsg and I don’t agree with any of it.
KJV – Proverbs 27:6
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
My translation Proverbs 27:6
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are hidden knowledge.
When you are deceiving someone, you carry cover knowledge from them and thus deceive them. That doesn’t mean Ithar means “deceive”, it means hidden knowledge, nothing bad or good.
KJV – Ezekiel 35:13
Thus with your mouth ye have boasted against me, and have multiplied your words against me: I have heard them.
My Translation Ezekiel 35:13
Thus with your mouth ye have boasted on me, and have prayed on me: I have heard them.
I choose prayed for the correct translation for Ezekiel because praying is hidden knowledge. There is no word for against in Ibary in this verse, the word is “on”. The translators choose against, but it’s not there. Ezekiel 35:13 is speaking concerning the enemies of the Israelites boasting Yahuah’s and evening praying but they do it in vain because Yahuah knows their hearts.
Strong’s 6281
Ithar – Proper name for a place in Judah
Ithar is a Proper name for a place in Judah and doesn’t need explanation. Names don’t need translation.
Strong’s 6282
Ithar and Itharey – “suppliant, worshiper”
KJV – Ezekiel 8:11
And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a עתר thick cloud of incense went up.
My Translation Ezekiel 8:11
And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and עתי (Ithar) cloud of incense went up.
ע = eye ת= covered ר =head = the symbols state that the eyes were covered thus the cloud was “thick”. Ezekiel explained the cloud but not the meaning of Ithar. You can only get this information by knowing the many possible meaning of the symbols. I won’t say that Ezekiel 8:11 was mistranslated, but the meaning of Ithar isn’t seen in the word “thick”. It’s lost in translation.
עתרי was mentioned only one time and in one place in the bible, and it’s Zephaniah 3:10
Ithar – עתר, however, was mentioned in many places but it still means
“ע = knowledge ת = covered ר= head” – translated as “prayer, or deceived”, both of which still mean “some sort of knowledge or information is covered.
or “ע = eye ת = covered ר= head” – translated as “thick”, meaning “the cloud being think covered the eyes to the head.
or a Proper Name
Zephaniah 3:10
New American Standard Bible
“From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia עתרי My worshipers, My dispersed ones, Will bring My offerings.King James Bible
From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia עתרי my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.Holman Christian Standard Bible
From beyond the rivers of Cush עתרי My supplicants, My dispersed people, will bring an offering.
These translators want you to believe that Yahuah called his people עתרי meaning “My Supplicants”. I don’t think that is even a word. Who talks like that?
If עתרי -Itharey is only mentioned once, that would stand to reason that Yahuah never called his people עתרי , there are many names in which Yahuah uses for his people, the Israelites, “My servants”, “My wife”, or but never my worshipers. This verse is a gross mistranslation and it is the reason no one was expecting a woman to have the refined language and bring to the people.
A group of people, or a whole nation isn’t going to bring an offering, nor is a woman. Why are we even debating this? Why do I need to explain this? Because you trust the translators so much and you don’t speak Ibarey or Hebrew.
My translation Zephaniah 3:10
Zephaniah 3:9-10
9 For then will I turn to the people a refined language, that they may call upon the name of Yahuah, to serve him with shoulder to shoulder, 10 from beyond to river of Cush, עתרי Itharey, Daughter of the Diaspora, brings Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉.
כי אז אהפך אל עמים שפה ברורה לקרא כלם בשם יהוה לעבדו שכם אחד ׃
מעבר לנהרי כוש עתרי בת פוצי יובלון מנחתי׃
9 For כי (Key) then אז (AZ) will I return אהפך (AaHPaK) to אל (AL)
the people עמים (IMeyM) a refined ברורה (BaRuRaH) language
שפה (ShaPaR), to call לקרא (LaQuRA) all כלם (KaL) on the name בשם (BaShaM)
of יהוה (Yahuah), to serve him לעבדו (LaIBaDu) shoulder one שכם
(ShaKaM) אחד (AKahD)
10 From beyond מעבר (MĪBaR) to the river of לנהרי
(LaNaHRey) Ethiopia כוש (KuSh), ĪThaRey עתרי daughter
בת (BaTh) of the dispersed פוצי (PuTsey), shall bring
יובלון (YuBaLuN) great rest {peace or unity} מנחתי (Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉).
Also, Yahuah calls Israel many times Daughter of Zion, Daughter of Jerusalem, but never “Itharey Daughter of my Dispersed”. The name, Itharey, is specific. Then Zephaniah states “of my Dispersed”. it should be very clear.
You were also misdirect with מנחתי (Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉)
- Strong’s 4503 – as “Offering”. מנחתי does meaning “Offering” in many places.
In Zephaniah מנחתי is more related to
- Strong’s #5183 מחתי NaKahTh – quietness, rest
- Strong’s #4494 מנוח MaNuKah – resting place or resting condition = peace
מנחתי (Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉) for Zephaniah 3:10, the way it is used, isn’t in the bible as a whole word.
נחת – link above, is in the bible and it means “rest”. The מ symbol, as I taught in my book, before a word as a prefix, increases or expands the meaning of the word. Expanding נחת to מנחת means Great Rest.
How can you be assured that מנחתי (Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉) means “great rest or peace or unity”?
We can know that unity and peace is the correct meaning by reading the context of Zephaniah 3:9. In Zephaniah 3:9, it states that people will come together because of the refined language and they will call on the name of Yahuah in one consent. The people will be in unity. This unity is Manakahthey 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 מנחתי. Who brings the language?
This is revealed in Zephaniah 3:10 עתרי Itharey, The Daugther of the Dispora. I proved in this video that I have the refined language. No one ever came with this much proof nor can anyone explain the etymology of Ibarey words like I can. You would have to have known that Ibarey or Hebrew was founded in Sign Language. The world didn’t know until I, Itharey עתרי , revealed the refined language.