Interview Questions for Prospecting Friends, Family or Strangers into the Truth

Interview Questions for Prospecting Friends, Family or Strangers into the Truth

What’s your nationality?

This question helps to lead you to other questions, such as giving you a clue that it is possible that they are Israelites. If their family has any history of slavery or lost ancestral identity, it is very possible they are Israelites.

You can say:

Oh, sounds like you might be an Israelite.

This statement should inspire a question to you, such as “What’s that” or some kind of interest.

Do you know that the bible has future prophecies and documented history possibly about your people?

As soon as you mention the bible, you will get an idea if they hate the bible or love it. If they ignore you. It is likely they don’t care. Don’t be pushy or come off as religious. What you are providing them is valuable. If they deem themselves a fool or someone who doesn’t want to know, they it is their loss. Respect the truth you have. Sometimes, the one who you think is wicked, are the ones that are the easiest to convert.

Oh really, what do you mean?

This is where you start speaking about the curses and future prophesies, as much as they are able to receive.

I created this book for introduction purposes for the Truth. This book gives the historical timeline of the Israelites as well as the future prophesies. This book tells you how the Israelites came to be Yahuah’s people and how they are married to Yahuah.

People who don’t know they are Israelites, need to know about the marriage covenant with Yahuah. Most people don’t know they have a contract with Yahuah, an Ancestral Contract.

This is why Israelites often speak of Tribal Identity, though many get it wrong, it is mostly true that if someone has a family history of slavery, on their father’s side, it is very likely they are an Israelite.

Not all black people are Israelites and some white or Asian people could be. It does not go by the appearance or even the location where they are from.


Isaiah 11:10-11

11And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.

12And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Israelites can come in many faces, however, they are mostly of a black origin in Identity and the Israelites, no matter where they are from were labeled a Bi-word (called outside their name).

The term “black” is not a nationality, but I have to use it sometimes to communicate with the word. No, I will not call myself black, as I know I am an Israelite. As soon as you find out who you are, you throw away the bi-word, or at least you should embrace your Israelite identity.

Use the book mentioned as it has important information about the curses, history, and prophesies at your hand.

More Questions to Ask

How often do you pray?

This question is not a question you ask a stranger, but it is a good question to ask someone who might be interested in you. You want to know if the person you might consider as a potential mate, even has any relationship with God. They will likely not know him by his name.

This question will likely lead to them telling you how they feel about Yahuah. This question will give you a hint about who you are dealing with.

There are some who try to have a relationship with Yahuah and they do sometimes open the bible, but they are confused to do the lies of the many religions out there.


Yes I do, every day

Be happy. Let them know that is great. Ask them if they know what God’s name is. This question will allow you to tell them about Yahuah by first telling them that his name is in the bible. You should know how to prove Yahuah’s name. Learn it here or come back to this website if you need it. I dedicated a whole tab to Yahuah


His name

Yahuah’s Name

Don’t overload people with information. You might push them away. Only provide information as they are willing to hear. What is the point of speaking to deaf ears?

Proverbs 23:9

Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.


No, not at all

If you are interested in this person, find out why they don’t pray to him. Let them know, if they will hear you, that if they don’t seek Yahuah, when they really need him, he might not be there. How did they respond?

  • If they generally don’t care. Should you be interested? Let them know you can’t be with anyone who doesn’t know Yahuah or even pray to him unless you don’t mind being with a Godless person. If this is the case, you need one on one help. Reach out to me or someone in the truth.
  • If they are misguided, let them know … If they are wicked, it doesn’t matter if they pray

Ask them If they think they are wicked.  How do they measure wickedness? What is wickedness? 

Yahuah doesn’t answer the prayers of the wicked. See the link below. There is no point in praying to God if you are not righteous and you need to know his name. You don’t know what will excite people. It could be the commandments, his name, or the fact that they are Israelites.

Some Prayers are an Abomination to Yahuah

Hardly ever

If they say they hardly ever, ask them why they stopped. This will tell you where they are in life and maybe they will open up about themselves.

Do you believe in the existence of God?

It’s really hard to tell anyone about the truth, if they don’t believe there is a God, however, the Curses helps to prove that Yahuah exists. Find out more about how to prove Yahuah exists.

Creation is a Program – Not an Accident – 100 Evidences to Prove the Creator Exists

I am working on adding the reasons, but there are over 50 reasons so far to prove that Yahuah exists

This may lead you into the Curses. People who are Israelites need to know that they have a contract with Yahuah. This contract is to keep the Torah Laws.

Torah Law Questions

Do you keep the 10 Commandments?

If they worship an Idol; Buddah etc… or are Catholic, then they are breaking a major commandment.

Did you know there are more than 10 Commandments? Dietary laws, clothing laws, relationship laws, sexual laws ect… See my page on Torah laws. If they were not taught about the other laws, they should question their religion. Remember, you are not teaching or speaking about religion, but a contract with Yahuah. The Israelites promised to keep his commandments (more than 10) and in turn, Yahuah would be their Alaheym (God),


The Thurath

You may come across people who challenge you about the bible. See the information below.

See this link

How do you know the bible is the Word of God?

Take Away

Talking to people about the truth can start with any series of questions. Keep it natural and don’t force it. People who are truly meant to come into the truth will ask you questions or want to know who they are and they would want the promises of the covenant, which is to gain Yahuah as their God which entails being the head and not the tail.

These are the promises of Deuteronomy 28:

Every Israelite has a right to know about the covenant, and the curses/blessings.


Asking questions is a great way of bringing up the truth. People love to talk. Teaching the truth is a great way for you to learn as well. Share your knowledge and don’t be ashamed of the truth.

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