Isaiah 65:11 – Forsaking Yahuah for גד God of Money מני

Table for God of Money

Isaiah 65:11 – Forsaking Yahuah for גד God of מני Maney

Why are you thanking “God” for this or that?

Do you know “God” is not Yahuah, Yahuah is not “God”

God is the name of a deity written in Isaiah 65:11, this deity was called “Fortune” or “Gad/Gawd”

god of money isaiah 65:11

Think twice before “thanking God”. Your money worships “God”, which it trusts because Fortune is the God of Money.

Do you trust in Furtune or Money? Then stop offering him your thanks and praises. Yahuah does not share his glory with anyone. Praise Yahuah יהוה

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