

There 419,687 Manakahthey words in the Bible. I am adding the top 1,000 Manakahthey words to this site & my app.

This is the Visual Graph of  Manakahthey Words Added to this Site

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin,687Raised 188,859 towards the 419,687 target.188,859Raised 188,859 towards the 419,687 target.45%

This Glossary is part of my lesson plan to teach you Biblical Manakahthey.  Join me (download the “Itharey” app, read the book, watch the videos, follow on social media) as we return back to the Authentic Language prophesied in Zephaniah 3:9-10.

So far I have added 175 words which makes up 188,859 Manakahthey words mentioned in the bible.  My target is at least 1,000 words. I have reached 45% of my goal!

These words are now available for free to all in my app “Ītharey” as index cards, in the online game, online bible on this site, glossary on this site and it will be used to make printed index cards with their symbolic meaning on the back which will not be available online. The symbolic meaning for all 1000 words will be available in a book and as index cards.  After I complete this goal I will do more video lessons and grammar. My goal to provide this cards needs your support. See

I am simplifying this process utilizing the most easy and motivating methods, such as with the 1,000 Most Common Manakahthey Words & the knowledge of the etymology of the 22 symbols.

You need only learn less than 270 words know 1/2 of the Manakahthey words in the bible! See the Online Bible to see how it has highlighted almost half the scriptures. I am adding 1,000 words and some Proper names as I free time. This will help you read the bible in a guided fashion, while building your vocabulary.

This language is easy if you know the symbolic meanings of the symbols and understand the basic rules.  Modern Hebrew complicates it and others who claim to have the “restored language”  are deceived. See my proof & how I am in prophesy.

Download the “Itharey” in the store to follow everything I am doing to bring you the Authentic Language called “Manakahthey” – Zephaniah 3:9-10. to learn more

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