Manakahthey Lesson Plan

Lesson plan

This is my Manakahthey Lesson Plan for you

1 ) Learn about the Symbols

Read the book

2) Build your vocabulary

It’s easier than you think to learn Manakahthey. Start with simple goes as outlined below and read about the Fastest Way to Learn Manakahthey.

    1. Set a goal % to reach. Pushing to know 15% of the Manakahthey words mentioned in the bible is an easy goal of just 15 words!
    2. Use the 40 Levels (25 words) study sheet, & Lesson plan for Each Level as a guide
      1. Follow this plan and you will learn over 1,000 words in 365 days! and 100 words a month.
      2. It will take you 11 weeks  (less than 3 months) to learn 1/2 or 50% of the Manakahthey words mentioned in the bible if you learn 25 words a week. However, you should learn the words at your own pace.
    3. Play the translation card game to build your vocabulary

3) Start reading

    1. You can start reading right away after learning just 100 words.
    2. Open your Torah in Manakahthey. This book is not a translation. You must know or be studying Manakahthey in order to read it. Buy it here. or Read the Online Manakahthey Bible and notice the glossary of (SOME OF THE) 1000 most common words are highlighted. Hoovering over the word reminds or tells you what the words mean.  Play the translation game and learn the 1000 words and you won’t need to hoover over a word. Its there should you forget.
    3. Step 2 of vocabulary building is learning the vocabulary by reading Psalms or any chapter in the bible.  I make videos and podcasts and worksheets teaching various chapters and Psalms. You can learn to read Genesis chapter 1 by joining the Free Manakahthey class that I mentioned earlier.

3) Learn Grammar

      1. Why didn’t this come before reading? Well, I want you to get exited right away and get confidence then allow you to learn grammar later so you can be more familiar with the way words are put together.  If you read my book and played the vocabulary app, then grammar is so easy. Your can skip around and make your own lesson plan. Do what works and do what keeps your interested, else you will not learn.
      2. Please be patient as I complete the worksheets, books, & games. There will be an official class @, but for now, join the free class. Help me get this done by offering your support to free my time. We all must work for a living. I need you help to put in a full time effort for you and others to get this information. Support me on There are perks for your support. I have many worksheets and PDF’s of lessons I already made. These worksheets take time and those who support me are welcome to it.

4) Conversational Manakahthey

You can start conversation in Manakahthey by joining the free class and meet others like you.

Your Done –

Now Study your Torah Laws, Israelite History & Prophesies in Manakahthey. This is the main reason you need to learn Manakahthey. Translators have lied to you and many words were mistranslated or/and not translated at all. Discover the truth now that you have been empowered.


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