

What is Marriage?

Marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman. You don’t know a thing about marriage until you know what a covenant is. If you are one of unfortunate ones who believe having sex makes you married you need to read this and check out my other information concerning covenants and how sex does not make you married. If sex made anyone married, fornication and whoredom would not be a thing.

Just as you need a paper trail to prove you are divorced, you need a paper trail and witnesses to prove you are married. What witness does one have when they believe sex made them married?

The child born to whoredom!  Having sex without a covenant, dowry, witnesses, father’s permission etc… is whoredom, plain and simple. If you are a woman who is in this situation. You are a concubine. Concubines are temporary wives or girlfriends. If you are trying to keep torah.

If your man is righteous, learn how to make the marriage real.

If you man is wicked, this is your chance. Leave him and don’t look back. Study and learn the truth about marriage and other laws. When a man teaches you privately concerning marriage and then “marries” you in his or your bed. He can tell you anything and you are non the wiser. Learn from someone who doesn’t have any interest in getting in your skirt.

Sorry to digress, but it must be said.

Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 8:1

All the commandments which I command thee this day shall ye observe to do, that ye may live, and multiply, and go in and possess the land which יהוה (Yahuah) sware unto your fathers.

Leviticus ויקרא (u’Ye-QuRA) 2:23-24
[23] And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
[24] Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.


Leviticus ויקרא (u’Ye-QuRA) 21:1, 7-14
[1] And יהוה (Yahuah) said unto Moses, Speak unto the priests the sons of Aaron, and say unto them, …
[7] They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane; neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband: for he is holy unto his Alaheym.
[10] And he that is the high priest among his brethren …
[13] And he shall take a wife in her virginity.

[14] A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife.


If you are Newly Wed

Cheer up your wife for a year, no work, no war

Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 24:5

When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.

I found 5 stages of Marriage. This is the 5th one and the honeymoon scripture. The Law allows for 1 year of “honeymoon” time.


This senerio is a woman who is spared from being killed but a captive. In this situation, a man could marry a woman from another nation. She has lost all ties with her culture and nationality and is not a threat. The man could not sell her for money if he divorced her, she would be a free woman because he “humbled her”.

Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 21:

[10] When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and יהוה (Yahuah) thy Alaheym hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,

[11] And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife;

[12] Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails;

[13] And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife.
[14] And it shall be, if thou have no delight in her, then thou shalt let her go whither she will; but thou shalt not sell her at all for money, thou shalt not make merchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.



Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 22:13-21
[13] If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her,
[14] And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid:
[15] Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel’s virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate:
[16] And the damsel’s father shall say unto the elders, I gave my daughter unto this man to wife, and he hateth her;
[17] And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech against her, saying, I found not thy daughter a maid; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter’s virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city.
[18] And the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise him;
[19] And they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver, and give them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel: and she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days.
[20] But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel:
[21] Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.


Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 22:[22]
If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shalt thou put away evil from Israel.
[23] If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her;
[24] Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour’s wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you.


Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 22:[25]
But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field, and the man force her, and lie with her: then the man only that lay with her shall die:
[26] But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing; there is in the damsel no sin worthy of death: for as when a man riseth against his neighbour, and slayeth him, even so is this matter:

[27] For he found her in the field, and the betrothed damsel cried, and there was none to save her.


Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 24:1-5
[1] When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.
[2] And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man’s wife.
[3] And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a bill of divorcement, and giveth it in her hand, and sendeth her out of his house; or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife;
[4] Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination beforeיהוה (Yahuah): and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which יהוה (Yahuah) thy Alaheym giveth thee for an inheritance.

[5] When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.



When a man dies without a child and he had a wife, she is suppose to raise up a child in his name with his near kin.  Be careful not to try to obey this law with a wicked man.  You can’t think to raise a righteous child with a wicked man.

Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 25:
[5] If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband’s brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband’s brother unto her.
[6] And it shall be, that the firstborn which she beareth shall succeed in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put out of Israel.
[7] And if the man like not to take his brother’s wife, then let his brother’s wife go up to the gate unto the elders, and say, My husband’s brother refuseth to raise up unto his brother a name in Israel, he will not perform the duty of my husband’s brother.
[8] Then the elders of his city shall call him, and speak unto him: and if he stand to it, and say, I like not to take her;
[9] Then shall his brother’s wife come unto him in the presence of the elders, and loose his shoe from off his foot, and spit in his face, and shall answer and say, So shall it be done unto that man that will not build up his brother’s house.

[10] And his name shall be called in Israel, The house of him that hath his shoe loosed.



The is speaking concerning “forced marriages”, however, it also shows the law of dowry, and asking the father for permission.  There are more traditions and information concerning marriage that I can not simply put in this post. I am working on completing a book on this subject. Please look for it.

This is not Rape!


Exodus שמות (ShuMuTh) 22:16-17
[16] And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed, and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife.
[17] If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins.

Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR’eyM) 22:[28]

If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;

[29] Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.


No Whoredom Among the Daughter of Yeshar’Al

Concubines Border Whoredom

A Concubine is a Temporary Wife. This type of wife is not legal in the Torah. You must not make an Israelite or Yeshar’al a concubine. As a matter of fact, the word is of a foreign origin.

Peylgash – Strong’s 6370

This means the whole “idea” is from a foreign origin.  Most woman who were concubines where bedmates taken from another nation other than Yeshar’al or Israelites.
The was only one time, in which a concubine was an Israelite woman in the scriptures and during this time, the Torah and understanding was not with the Israelites .
The bible tells that erra was “strange times”.
Long story short, the concubine Israelite ends up being given away by her boyfriend (translated as husband) as sex toy to a bunch of men for gang rape and then she comes crawling back to her boyfriend / “husband” and dies at this step.
He of course in his “wisdom” chops her in 12 pieces and delivers her body parts among all the tribes of Israel. He blamed the men who raped her for this action and he cries an outrage. What? I can’t make up this story.
Judges שופטים (ShuPaT-eyM) 19
27And her lord rose up in the morning, and opened the doors of the house, and went out to go his way: and, behold, the woman his concubine was fallen down at the door of the house, and her hands were upon the threshold. 28And he said unto her, Up, and let us be going. But none answered. Then the man took her up upon an ass, and the man rose up, and gat him unto his place.
29And when he was come into his house, he took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and divided her, together with her bones, into twelve pieces, and sent her into all the coasts of Israel.
30And it was so, that all that saw it said, There was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day: consider of it, take advice, and speak your minds.

We are in another generation of crazy!

Israelites who are not priests nor men or women of wisdom are following their hearts and teaching that a woman has right to enter in a lifestyle as a concubine.
A concubine had no contract or covenant, but in our days, men are stating that a concubine can contract for a few years to be with a man and then separate and be another mans “wife”. This contract gets the woman “sex” and maybe free room and board.  Hmmm, sounds like a girlfriend.
This is a contract for whoredom, because a concubine is, well, a whore or a lover or a loose woman; girlfriend.
Women who are wives received dowry, and they were honored. Their children were honorable and they received inheritance. Open your bible already and read how after Sarah died, Abraham had many concubines, not wives. He sent his other children away with gifts but no inheritance. Only a Issac the son of a real wife got inheritance.
Where is the Holy Seed in a Concubine relationship?

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