Mind Control through Addiction & “Capturing” your attention



If you have an addiction watch out for mind controlling ads or news. If you are addicted to a tv show or a news report and your attention is glued to the screen this is the chance they use to grab you and control your emotions to do what they want. they “capture” you by “capturing” your attention. If you are addicted to food, they will sell you food. They use sugar as a drug to make you come back for more. Flour is addicting so this is used too. You can break any and all mind controlling propaganda by breaking the addiction.   Turn off your tv and stop watching the news and reality will tell you no one is dying of Covid like they want you to believe. The world is normal.  Normal amount of deaths. People die from the flu every year, but we were never scared of it. If your child is acting up. See what they are addicted to. There is something being pushed through their addiction. Open your eyes. Break the addiction, attention break the spell.
The daughter of Babylon deals heavily into witchcraft. I only slightly touched on this subject. I have been meaning to expose and tell more but my time is so limited and spread out. I am trying. ITs coming. I am trying
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