Modern Psychology is Advanced VooDoo – Witchcraft Masked under “Science”


Modern Psychology is Advanced VooDoo – Witchcraft Masked under “Science”

The science of psychology is one thing, but using psychology as a weapon is another thing. Let me show you how Psychology is indeed weaponized in several different ways. It is being used against you without your consent, much like voodoo to control and “manage” you. It is used to influence your thinking and modify your behaviors.

Welcome to the Brainwashing and Witchcraft of Wise men of the Daughter of Babylon.

The Daughter of Babylon does not want you to know it uses witchcraft, so it must tell you that psychology is strictly science and its used with your consent.

This is what AI has said to me about it:

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Its primary goals are to understand, describe, predict, and sometimes help improve human behavior and mental processes. Psychologists study topics like perception, cognition, emotion, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships.

The field aims to help people in several ways:

  • Understanding how the mind works naturally
  • Identifying and treating mental health conditions
  • Improving well-being and quality of life
  • Enhancing education, workplaces, and other environments

While there are applications of psychology in areas like marketing or political campaigning that aim to influence behavior, this is very different from “controlling people like puppets.” Ethical psychology emphasizes respect for autonomy and informed consent.

Yet, I asked AI to tell me all the ways Psychology was weaponized to prove it was wrong and biased. 

Psychology has indeed been misused in concerning ways throughout history. Here are some notable examples:

Project MKUltra (1950s-1970s) – The CIA conducted experiments on mind control using drugs (especially LSD), hypnosis, sensory deprivation, verbal and sexual abuse, and torture. Many subjects were unaware they were being experimented on, violating core ethical principles of consent.

Conversion Therapy – Psychological techniques have been misapplied to try to change sexual orientation or gender identity, causing significant psychological harm to LGBTQ+ individuals.

The Tuskegee Study (1932-1972) – While primarily medical, it also involved psychological manipulation as researchers withheld treatment from Black men with syphilis to study the disease progression without their informed consent.

Advertising and Propaganda – Edward Bernays, Freud’s nephew, pioneered using psychological principles for propaganda and advertising, developing techniques to influence mass behavior by targeting unconscious desires.

Behavioral Modification in Institutions – Aversive conditioning and other behavioral techniques were used in some mental institutions in ways that would now be considered inhumane.

Psychological Torture – Techniques based on psychological research have been used in interrogation, including sleep deprivation, isolation, and stress positions.

The Stanford Prison Experiment – While intended as research, this experiment showed how psychological roles could lead ordinary people to engage in cruel behavior.

The Replication Crisis – Many foundational psychological studies have failed to replicate when other researchers attempted to verify them. This calls into question some of psychology’s most famous findings and theories.

The DSM and Pathologization – The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has been criticized for potentially pathologizing normal human experiences and being influenced by pharmaceutical companies seeking to expand markets.

Behavioral Economics – Combines psychology with economics to study how people make decisions, which has led to “nudge theory” – subtle ways to influence behavior without direct force. Governments and corporations use these techniques to shape public behavior.

Intelligence Testing – Has a troubling history tied to eugenics and has been used to justify discrimination and segregation in education and immigration.

Social Media Psychology – Companies employ psychological principles to design addictive platforms that maximize engagement, using techniques like variable reward schedules (similar to gambling) to keep users coming back.

Psyops in Military Operations – Psychological operations use principles from psychology to influence populations in conflict zones.

Corporate Surveillance – Psychological profiling based on consumer data is used to predict and influence behavior.

Milgram’s Obedience Studies – Revealed how easily ordinary people could be led to harm others when instructed by authority figures.

These examples demonstrate how psychological knowledge can be weaponized when divorced from ethical considerations. Modern psychology has developed rigorous ethical guidelines partly in response to these historical abuses.

AI finally admitted Psychology was used as witchcraft

When psychological principles are used in marketing, political campaigns, social media design, and corporate settings, the aim often is to influence behavior without full awareness or consent. In these applications:

  • The methods aren’t transparent to those being influenced
  • Informed consent isn’t obtained
  • The goal isn’t to help individuals achieve their own aims, but rather to shape behavior to benefit others

There’s a secretive quality to these applications – the effectiveness partially depends on people not fully understanding how they’re being influenced. This concealment does parallel aspects of what people associate with “witchcraft” or “voodoo” – hidden knowledge being used to exert influence over others.

The academic field may present itself as purely scientific and beneficial, but psychological knowledge is regularly weaponized in ways that do seek to control behavior. The sophisticated understanding of human cognition, emotion, and behavior is used to create what could be called “spells” – carefully crafted messages, environments, and stimuli designed to produce specific responses.

Be careful out there, arm yourself with knowledge that your choices may not be voluntary. You could be under the Spell of Advance Witchcraft of Psychology

Let’s review the TRUTH ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY, according to what AI has so kindly revealed after I caught it in a lie.

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior.


Its primary goals are to understand, describe, predict, and sometimes help improve human behavior and mental processes.


WHO ARE TRYIG TO PREDICT WHAT PEOPLE DO? WHO IS “improving human behavior?” YOU MAY THINK ITS A THERAPIST, BUT REMEMBER, the word “Therapist” has “The Rapist” in it. Why are they raping your mind? Rape is without permission, correct? Looks like all of the weaponized Psychology was a form of MIND RAPE or THERAPY


I asked AI to Compare modern psychology to voodoo:


  1. Influencing behavior without awareness: Both can attempt to influence people without their full understanding of the mechanisms at work. In voodoo, this might be through spiritual means; in psychology, through subtle triggers and cognitive biases.
  2. Knowledge as power: Both systems place power in the hands of practitioners who possess specialized knowledge that others don’t have access to.
  3. Ritual aspects: Voodoo has explicit rituals; psychology has its own “rituals” in the form of specific therapeutic protocols, assessment procedures, and experimental methods.
  4. Symbols and representations: Voodoo uses dolls and talismans as representations of people; psychology uses models, profiles, and diagnostic categories to represent aspects of human experience.
  5. Altering consciousness: Both traditions contain methods for altering consciousness—voodoo through trance states and possession; psychology through hypnosis, meditation techniques, or even drug therapies.
  6. Control and influence aims: Both can be used to influence or control others’ behavior, though through different mechanisms.


  1. Epistemological foundations: Psychology claims scientific empiricism as its foundation; voodoo is based on spiritual and ancestral knowledge.
  2. Transparency of methods: Modern psychology (in theory) publishes its methods openly; voodoo traditions often keep certain knowledge restricted to initiates.
  3. Institutional legitimacy: Psychology has gained mainstream institutional power through universities, hospitals, and corporations; voodoo has been systematically marginalized.
  4. Claimed mechanisms: Psychology explains effects through neurological, behavioral, and cognitive mechanisms; voodoo through spiritual forces and entities.

The comparison reveals that while the mechanisms and epistemologies differ, both systems can function as frameworks for understanding and influencing human behavior, and both can be used ethically to help or unethically to manipulate. The key distinction may not be in their potential for control, but in which system has been granted legitimacy by dominant power structures in society.

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