Numbers 15:37-41 vs Deuteronomy 22:11 – Breakdown Lesson – *PDF

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Numbers 15:37-41 vs Deuteronomy 22:11 – Breakdown Lesson

PATREON SUPPORTS: Download the Exclusive PDF for the breakdown of words in Numbers 15 ;37-41

This video will teach you the meaning of all the words in the verses Num.15:37-41 and Deut. 22:11 so no one deceives you. I will prove the meaning of the words for you to have clarity. Watch this video to also see my rebuttable for Ravenous Bird – youtuber who claims fringes should not go on clothes and he calls a blanket a “garment”. He is also the leader and creator of the Ghaybary language. This will be easy to prove.

Go to to get the book “Primitive Sign Language Vol.1 Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew

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