Pagans say “I’m not Religious, I am Spiritual” – PDF


When someone says “I am not Religious, I am Spiritual”, What does it really mean?

I will tell you it is indeed a religion, but they don’t want that label. Our bodies are Flesh & Spirit, so anyone who says they are spiritual is a liar. We are also made of flesh and you don’t live in your mind unless you are in a coma or in a dream state. You visited this site so you must have some kind of relationship with the Creator, Yah. As such, you can’t be “spiritual” because MOST PEOPLE who say such things are generally confused, however, there are some who say that and mean what they say. What do they mean? They literally “deal with spirits”.

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Being Spiritual means nothing to the average person that says it without knowing much about it. Thats like saying you are in your mind or follow your heart or that you know “something” unseen is in control. People who are Pagan are also spiritual. They believe in the universe and some unknown energy that provides. If you know Yahuah, you need to answer people’s questions better than just saying you are spiritual. Read a few articles that I wrote on the matter.

Religion vs Being an Israelite

In the above article, you will see the difference between being an Israelite and being in a religion.  You deny Yahuah when you simply say you are spiritual.


Witches or those on the path to be a witch, often say they are spiritual. They say this because they believe in the Universe or unknown energy or force that controls things. They don’t believe in god or better yet, they believe in Mother nature as god. The first witches were the wives of the fallen angels. They were spiritual. They were taught all kinds of things and secrets humans were not supposed to know or deal with. Such as calling to wake up the spirit of the dead. This is evil and the scriptures / commandments speak against it.

Saul died after calling up the spirit of Samuel read

1 Samuel 28 the whole thing

1 Samuel 28:

7Then Saul said to his servants, “Find me a woman who is a medium, so I can go and consult her.”

“There is a medium at Endor,” his servants replied.

8So Saul disguised himself by putting on different clothes, and he set out with two of his men. They came to the woman at night, and Saul said, “Consult a spirit for me. Bring up for me the one I name.”

9But the woman replied, “Surely you know what Saul has done, how he has killed the mediums and spiritists in the land. Why have you set a trap to get me killed?”

10Then Saul swore to her by Yahuah: “As surely as Yahuah lives, no punishment shall come upon you for this.”

11“Whom shall I bring up for you?” the woman asked.

“Bring up Samuel,” he replied.

12But when the woman saw Samuel, she cried out in a loud voice and said to Saul, “Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!”

13“Do not be afraid,” the king replied. “What do you see?”

“I see a god coming up out of the earth,” the woman answered.

14“What does he look like?” asked Saul.

“An old man is coming up,” she replied. “And he is wearing a robe.”

So Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed facedown in reverence.

15Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”

“I am deeply distressed,” replied Saul. “The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has turned away from me. He no longer answers me, either by prophets or by dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what to do.”

16“Why do you consult me,” asked Samuel, “since Yahuah has turned away from you and become your enemy? 17He has done exactly what He spoke through me: Yahuah has torn the kingship out of your hand and given it to your neighbor David. 18Because you did not obey Yahuah or carry out His burning anger against Amalek, Yahuah has done this to you today. 19Moreover, Yahuah will deliver Israel with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. And Yahuah will deliver the army of Israel into the hand of the Philistines.”

20Immediately Saul fell flat on the ground, terrified by the words of Samuel. And his strength was gone, because he had not eaten anything all that day and night.

1 Samuel 28:9

the mediums and spiritists in the land.

Note how the woman said all the “mediums & spiritists” were removed from the land. They were witches. They conjure spirits of the dead and/ or give their bodies for fallen angels or entities to move inside them. They are spiritual.

Being Spiritual has Nothing to Do with being Righteous

Genesis 6:

1Now when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, 2the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.

READ IT AGAIN: “he sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives whomever they chose.”

The wives of the fallen angels were witches, but you won’t get that information from Genesis, it is written in the book of Enoch. In the book of Enoch it tells us how the fallen angels taught their wives socery and information they were not suppose to have.

3So Yahuah said, “My Spirit will not contend with man forever,a for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.”


4The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and afterward as well—when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men. And they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown.

The witches bore children that were giants in the earth. They were grewsome looking creatures. I am not going to talk about this now. Giant bones are often discovered and hidden from the public but that is not the subject for this article.

5Then Yahuah saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was altogether evil all the time. 6And Yahuah regretted that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. 7So Yahuah said, “I will blot out man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth—every man and beast and crawling creature and bird of the air—for I am grieved that I have made them.”

The Fallen Angels & their Wives (Wtiches) caused the flood of Noah’s Ark. This is why witches are indeed evil. They do not please Yahuah. They allow foreign entities to enter our planet earth and manipulate us.

Don’t worship Creation, Worship the Creator!

Nebula ( abstract background )

What is the universe?

  1. the totality of known or supposed objects and phenomena throughout space; the cosmos; macrocosm.

  2. the whole world-

The universe is convenient. It is all that you can see and not see:

“known or supposed objects”

It is a “magical answer” when you need to tell someone to whom you are praying when you say you are spiritual. Those who believe in the Universe deny Yahuah the credit he deserves.

Psalms 37:4

Delight thyself also in Yahuah; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Proverbs 14:12

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.



Jeremiah 10:

1Hear ye the word which Yahuah speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

2Thus saith Yahuah, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 5They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.

6Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O Yahuah; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.


Did you read above?

Wicca is a religion that is based on ancient Witchcraft. Wiccans do not believe in the devil or Satan, the devil is a Christian concept. Wicca & Paganism pre-date all other religions by thousands of years. Paganism is an UMBRELLA TERM meaning someone who follows a religion based on NATURE & THE UNIVERSE.

If you believe in the Universe & Nature providing for you, you are entering the realm of Witcraft. Yahuah created the heavens & the earth. He is the one who provided it to us. We should not worship or be amazed by nature just because Yahuah made the earth to grow food or that the air gives us breath. Let’s continue with reading the rest of the above image.

Wicca is Pagan, all ancient cultures were also Pagan such as the Romans, Greeks, Celts, Native Americans, Vikings, Norse, Aztec, Egyptians, and many others.

Now, do you see who would say they are “Spiritual”? Anyone who worships nature or the universe is a pagan. Let’s read some more…

Wiccans have a both a great god and a goddess and there are lots of different gods and goddesses in Wicca traditions.

Because, Pagans can worship a variety of gods, including the unknown universe or nature.

Wicca is a peaceful religion, if we do harm to anyone it comes back on us in a karmic way. Wicca is about living in tune with nature.

Karma? That is the answer for the justice that Yahuah brings on people when they do wrong. Where does the justice of karma come from?

Karma? That is the answer for the justice that Yahuah brings on people when they do wrong. Where does the justice of karma come from?

Pagans say it’s from the Universe. The universe as it is defined is nature or the unknown. That is quite convenient.

Pagan people speak of Justice, not Karma.

Justice is exacting to others what they have done to you. Sometimes, it needs to be done by humans. This is to stop the wicked in their tracks. The police, judges, and law enforcers are supposed to execute this Justice to protect the innocent. If someone tries to steal from you, you should defend yourself. Someone in the midst of crime might get instant karma. What if a robber tries to steal from a black belt? He would not let that happen. It would be instant justice, not Karma. Yahuah let’s the sun shine on the righteous and the wicked, but the wicked will never escape justice.


Pagans expect “the universe” or nature to do it. Sometimes people do get “instant justice”, which I love to see, but most times, its up to the law enforcement to exact the justice which Pagans term “karma”.

I don’t hate the idea of Karma because it does exist. Yahuah put instant justice to balance nature. Nature always needs to be balanced. When David sinned against Yahuah by numbering the Israelites. (He knew he wasn’t supposed to do that) Yahuah forgave him but the consequences of his sin could not be forgiven. A price had to be paid. David choose 1 of 3 possible punishments or Karmic events.


Following your Heart

Pagans follow their hearts, that’s why they say they are spiritual. They tap into the truth that is in their heart and not any particular religion. They will take a little bit here and there from any source and create a truth that they feel is right for them. People who are spiritual have a customized religion. They have great moral flexibility dictated by their heart.

Truth doesn’t come from your heart. Your heart is not the source of truth. The heart is desperately wicked.

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Proverbs 3:5-7

5Trust in Yahuah with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

7Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear Yahuah, and depart from evil.

8It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

Proverbs 28:26

He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.


Witches are keepers of the dark knowledge given to them by the Fallen Angels. The first witches were the wives of the fallen angels!

They don’t acknowledge evil because they have no law except follow your heart and do good. What is good? Good to the Pagan is what you would want to be done to you. Imagine a society in which everyone follows their hearts! That is called “Anarchy”.

Anarchy is defined by as

  1. a state of society without government or law.

  2. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control:

There is no law in the Pagan religion. No rule book of laws. It is a religion based on following your heart and what you deem “good”. This is not an orderly society or religion. It is completely free and subject to one’s own heart.

Wicca is the One World Religion Disguised as Spirituality. Pagans indeed use witchcraft to twist, turn and deceive people. Oprah is a witch and she practices spirituality. She used to always speak about the “universe” and “the secret”. It gained popularity because it didn’t come out and say its witchcraft or from the Pagan religion. People who say they are spiritual are deceived. They don’t know that it is part of the deception of witchcraft to say you are not in a religion, but Paganism is the oldest religion. Wicca is lawless and therefore can embrace anything that YOUR HEART desires. Are you gay? Thats ok in Wicca. Are you from another religion? That’s ok too. It’s all about peace and love, so they say.

What could go wrong? Anarchy!

Witches have a Stereotype to be Evil.

It might seem odd to some, but Witches or Pagans don’t usually see themselves as what they are; evil. This is because people who initially become witches don’t join to do evil. They join because they are deceived, then they are convinced to do evil. 

They think because they follow their hearts, that they are not doing wrong. Why are so many images of an evil person, always seem to come back to that of a witch? This is because they do engage in the Knowledge of the Fallen Angels: which is Magic, Deception and Sorcery.

Magic is Deception. It is the appearance of a miracle or a power.

Deception is to trick someone into believing something

Sorcery is the mind control device that people who use magic need to deceive people.

If someone messes with your mind, to make you think you see what is not their, they are using “magic”. Witchcraft is the art of using magic. It is a power, but its an evil power of deception.


Virtual Reality  – Going into a World by directing your eyes to enter an untrue reality is Magic.

Magicians – use the trick of the eye to make you think you see something that isn’t really there or something happening that didn’t happen

Psychology – They use hypnosis to control your mind. When under the magical spell of hypnosis, you could bark like a dog or forgot your own name


The normal “witch” is a low-level witch. The Sorcerers are high-level witches. They created things like the TV.

TV – Fake news is witchcraft. They use fake news to make you think certain events occurred that didn’t occur to lead your mind into thinking their way. This happened in 9/11 with the fake plane hitting the world trade center

As a matter of fact. The TV was designed as a mind-control device. This world is run by witches that’s why they promote “SPIRITUALITY” to get people to engage in Witchcraft.

TV Shows are “Programs” played by Acters who are “Cast” by the Director

We live in a world of Witcraft. I have so much to say about this. I don’t know when that book will come out, but I did plan on releasing a book.


This is easy

Vaccinations – are made to alter your DNA. You should not put foreign things into your bloodstream.


Pharmacy Drugs

GMO products


Plastics with Hormone altering capabilities 


You know there is more, but this is enough for this post


The image to the left is how Pagans or Witches see themselves. They don’t believe or acknowledge their religion as Satanic or evil. They don’t worship Satan, they follow him. They worship nature and credit nature or the universe for providing to them everything.

They also credit the “unknown universe” for justice known as “Karma” to them. It’s a religion of ignorance and it’s attracted by those who have weak minds and those who follow their heart. The earth didn’t create itself. It’s funny, they seem to themselves as powerful beings, yet they show no honor to Yahuah who created the very earth & universe which they worship.

Exodus 20:

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I Yahuah thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

If you worship Creation (the earth or the Universe) you are breaking a major commandment. I heard a Pagan say “thank you” to the universe for providing to them a meal. The universe didn’t provide, Yahuah provided you.


Does the Universe Provide?

Who created the universe? That’s like asking, Does the ground grow food? Yes it does, but who made the ground to grow food? Yahuah.

We live on this earth and this earth was made with intelligence and we praise the creator for all that it provides because he brings the rain to fall and water the crops, he is the one who lets the sun shine through the clouds. When he withholds the rain the land because of a desert. When he lets the rain fall, the land is a flooded. We need Yahuah to provide and give us the balance of rain and sun. I praise Yahuah and him alone do I worship.

Psalms 84:11

For Yahuah Alaheym is a sun and shield: Yahuah will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

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