Release of my book “PSL: Volume One, Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew”

Release of my book “PSL: Volume One, Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew”
2nd Edition …
What is more amazing is that I discovered the origins of the Ancient Hebrew Letters. They evolved from hand gestures!
You need to read about the Original Language of all Mankind to understand Ancient Biblical Hebrew for which the bible was originally written in.
Each of the Paleo Ancient Hebrew letters are actually symbols. They represent a particular type of hand gesture. In my new book “Release of my book “PSL: Volume One, Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew”. The PSL stands for Primitive Sign Language. The primitive language of all mankind is Manakahthey, many know Manakahthey as Ancient Hebrew, but did you know the language of the Israelites was never ever called “Hebrew” nor “Ibarey”. The first language went by no name until everyone’s language was confounded, even that of the Israelites.
The Israelites, after going into the Babylonian Captivity adopted Aramaic letters to replace the orginal symbols for which the bible was written in. I believe the Israelites were the last to use the Manakahthey symbols. The bible has preserved the original language but you must switch over to the Manakahthey symbols to realize it. The symbols coincide with the Modern Hebrew letters. This is how you know the hand of Yahuah has protected the language of all people.
This language is these are the Manakahthey symbols (right to left)
Or these are the English Phonetics of the Ibary symbols from (right to left)
Th Sha Ra Ku Ts Pa I Sa Na Ma La Ka Ye Ta Kah Za u aH Da Ga Ba a
The biblical language of the Bible, went by no name because the whole earth spoke this language.
Manakahthey was founded in sign language. Knowing Ancient Hebrew was founded in sign language helped me to realize we can know the meaning of Hebrew words by knowing their hand gesture. This makes learning Ancient Hebrew, which is really Manakahthey, faster. The Manakahthey letters, afore mentioned above, illustrates the hand gestures for the letters and communicate the meaning of words. I call it “Primitive” because it was the first language. This is the prophesy of Zephaniah 3:9, coming to pass. Yahuah said he would return the refined language back to us. Here it is. Do not assume that this is a Low Level science but this is advanced communications and the foundation of most languages on earth. The English letters we use today came from Manakahthey symbols. To learn more, I dedicated a whole sign for it
Manakahthey Symbols by Name
𐤀 (ALaP)
𐤁 (BeyTh)
𐤂 (GaMaL)
𐤃 (DaLaTh)
𐤄 (aHBaL)
𐤅 (uu)
𐤆 (ZeyN)
𐤇 (KaheyTs)
𐤈 (TeyT)
𐤉 (YeD)
𐤊 (KaP)
𐤋 (LaMaD)
𐤌 (MeyM)
𐤍 (NuN)
𐤎 (SaMak)
𐤏 (IeyN)
𐤐 (PaH)
𐤑 (TsaD)
𐤒 (QuP)
𐤓 (Ra’ASh)
𐤔 (ShaN)