yahuah's theocratic gov

The Difference: Religions vs Being an Israelite

Both of these definition come from


[ ri-lijuhn ]


Israelite Definition

[ iz-ree-uh-lahyt]

  • a descendant of Jacob, especially a member of the Hebrew people who inhabited the ancient kingdom of Israel.
  • one of a group considered by its members or by others as God’s chosen people.
  • of or relating to ancient Israel or its people; Hebrew.


Religion is base on Belief. Being an Israelite is based on Ancestry. This is based on facts, so its a fact that being an Israelite is not a religion and its not a belief system.
Now… why is being an Israelite associated with religion?
Israelites obey a Higher Power and his name is Yahuah. We don’t have a belief in a God. We have confirmation, evidence, truth and most importantly we have a covenant. The world of people do have religions because they have a “belief” in a false God.  We can’t have a religion because we don’t have a belief system. We have a truth system.
Let me explain…

Israelites are ruled by a Theocratic Government


[ thee-ok-ruh-see ]

noun,plural the·oc·ra·cies.
  • a form of government in which God or a deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the God’s or deity’s laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities.
  • a system of government by priests claiming a divine commission.
  • a commonwealth or state under such a form or system of government.



  1. Of or pertaining to a theocracy; administered by the immediate direction of God.
  2. Pertaining to theocracy.
  3. Conforming to God-rule,

According to, a Theoretical government is a government which is ruled by God. We are ruled by Yahuah, the one and only true God. We have to obey him. We are not called to a system of belief, but a system of “we must obey and do”.  We are Yahuah’s wife metaphorically as well as a nation, we are his only begotten son. We are his witness that he is real and that he punishes those he calls his son whom he loves.

How Religions & Governments Controls Men

Religious Control

  • Heaveningly, Spiritual, &/or Mental Benefits
  • Power is Based on Belief in a God
  • Control is of the Mind Only
  • Laws created by Men

Government Control

  • Earthly Benefits (Citizenship, Protection, Rights)
  • Power is Based on Existence of Military Force
  • Control is the Physical Body
  • Laws created by Men

The Israelite Nation (The Nation of Yeshar’Al – Correctly)

Israelites appear to have a religion to the outside world, however, ask any Israelite and they will tell you they don’t subscribe to a religion. Yet they worship the Almighty, who is the only and only true God and Alaheym of the Whole Earth.

This is quite confusing until you understand that they are in a Theocratical Government. We, the Nation of Yeshar’Al, are bound to Obey Yahuah even if we are not in our land. We are a nation in Exile. We are still a Nation, though we may have different organizations and groups. We are a nation.

We are Yahuah’s wife & his first born son. We are Yahuah’s people. We give all power and control to Yahuah. His word are strong in the Old Testament and the Torah laws (Thurath) rules us. We keep the commandments in the bible. This is where we all agree. The Commandment is our government. Whether the different groups know it or not.  The organization of the nation is not there because we must return back to our land and our officers (government positions) must be put in place.


Nations Have Laws & Citizens Accept them

Israelites are a Nation of People. We are organized under the Authority of Yahuah. Not the Authority of a King. Not the Authority of a President, but that of the One and Only Almighty.

Yes, we do however have a king, but our king has a King and his name is Yahuah. We are led by Yahuah through governing officers by Yahuah’s authority directed to enforce his laws. We are not a people with a religion. We are a people under a Theoretical government.

Yahuah laws are for Yahuah’s government. Especially when his people were in the land of Israel

The Rule of Law

President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Ours is a government of liberty, by, through and under the law. No man is above it, and no man is below it.

The Constitution of the United States


[ kon-sti-too-shuhn, –tyoo– ]


In the United States, it seems like we have laws, rules, and regulations to oversee just about everything. We don’t always like these rules, since they often mean that someone is telling us what to do, or keeping us from doing what we want. Yet to live in a civil society, we must have some rules to follow.

Who gets to make these rules? Where do they come from? What happens when we break them? These are the questions this page will seek to answer for you.


Laws are rules that bind all people living in a community. Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself.  We have laws to help provide for our general safety.  These exist at the local, state and national levels, and include things like:
  • Laws about food safety.  At the state and local level, health departments have guidelines that restaurants follow for how to store and prepare food in a healthy manner, so that diners won’t get sick. At the national level, the Department of Agriculture and other federal agencies inspect food production plants to be sure that the food that shows up in your supermarket is safe to eat.
  • Speed limits and traffic laws exist so that we drive in a safe manner.
  • Licensing for doctors and nurses ensures proper training of the people who look after us, and who often have our lives in their hands.

We also have laws that protect our rights as citizens, and which include things like:

  • Laws that come from the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution, that guarantee our basic freedoms like freedom of speech, religion, and the press.

  • Laws that protect us from discrimination because of our race, gender, age, or because of a disability.

The Thurath (Torah Laws) also called

“The Laws of Mashah (Moses)

The Thurath protects the rights of Men, Women & Children.

The Thurath provides Protection, Judgements & Prosecution for Criminal Acts & Civil disputes

The Thurath provides Governmental Conducts Rules for the Governors of the Country (Priests, Kings, Solders, Judges, Prophets) Offices of Leader

The Thurath provides Law Enforcement Rules,

The Thurath provides Property & Ownership Rules

The Thurath provides Protection of Freedom & Discrimination with No Respect of Persons

The Thurath provides Welfare & Security for the Less fortunate

The Thurath provides Healthcare through Forgiveness of Sins; Healing Administrated by the Priest who are Doctors

The Thurath provides national holidays known as “Shabath Feast Days” for a Memorial

The Thurath provides Ceremonial Laws & Worship Ordinances

The Thurath provides Memorials Acts (wearing fringes on clothes), Song, Traditions, Cultures, Heritages, Genealogies & History

The Thurath provides Promises (the Covenant) for being Good Citizens; Privileges for Rewarding obedience and Downfalls for disobeying it


The Thurath is as the American Constitution to the Israelites.  Judges may add rules and regulations, but they can never contradict or take away our rights in the Thurath

The Covenant Yahuah made with the Israelites is called the Thurah (or Torah) to many.
Thurah = law
Thurath = laws
These laws are not laws for a religion but a Theoretical Government ordained by Yahuah, the One and Only True Almighty One.
Civil Societies have Rules and Laws of Conduct. A disorganized and uncivil society has no rules and executes no Judgements.
The Thurah is the law of the Israelites and its in our heart.
We qualify for the benefits of religious freedom and though we are not in our land, the Thurah is in our hearts and we as Returned People hold it fast into our hearts to attain the benefits and mercies that keep the Thurah Brings.

The Theocratic Government of Yahuah

Israelites are not in a Religion, We are in a Theocratic Government

  • Spiritual & Earthly Benefits (Citizenship, Protection, Rights)
  • Power is Based on Existence of the One & Only True God & his Military Force being Angels & Legions of Men
  • Yahuah made our Spirit & Body & Keeps both in check, but we are Free to be Rewarded or Punished for anything we do.
  • Laws created by Yahuah (written by Masah {Moses})


Religious Freedom in Iraq

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