Returning Back to Yahuah

Returning Back to Yahuah
In my previous post “Religion vs Being an Israelite (video & article)”. I explained how being an Israelite has nothing to do with having a religion. Go check that out before reading this.
What does it mean to “Return back to Yahuah?”. Well… you can be an Israelite and be with Yahuah. You can be an Israelite and be rebellious against keeping the commandments in the bible. You can be an Israelite and not even know it. You are n Israelite even if you deny it.
so then, what does it mean to return back to Yahuah? Returning back to Yahuah is more than just “keeping the commandments”. Keeping the commandments troublesome when you live among the other nations.
- First of all, the Torah says “do not enter into covenants with them”
- and “Do not learn from them”
- and be “Separated from them”.
How is it truly possible keeping Yahuah’s commandments when his commandments are actually laws for a governing nation. In order to really return back to Yahuah we need to gather together. We need to separate from the nations. We can’t claim citizenship with another nation.
We can’t claim citizenship with another nation? Why?
If you watch the video in the post “Religion vs Being an Israelite” you learned that the laws in the bible are for Yahuah’s Theocratic government and I explained what that entails. Israelites have a contract with Yahuah. This is why Yahuah calls us his wife. When we claim citizenship with another nation we are claiming whoredom. We are married to Yahuah and can’t legally enter into any covenant with any another nation. We are Yahuah’s people as well as his metaphoric wife. He also calls us his first born son. Long story short, Yahuah owns the Israelites as a man is married to his wife and rules over her and as a son is under the authority of his father.
If we say we belong to another nation, we are admitting to whoredom because that is not the truth of the matter. The issue becomes apparent when we try to keep certain commandments such as the Shabath and feast days. It also is also difficult to eat clean foods being that the other nations don’t care about the dietary guidelines. A regular work week is struggling with your boss to keep the Shabath and feast days or trying to find a job that caters to it. While at work you go out to eat and restaurants that serve beef also serve pork. Your beef sandwich was cooked on the same surface as something unclean. If you are at work, your children are in school, likely among the nations. Yahuah’s commandment is not to learn from the other nations and certainly this includes not sending your children to school. The trouble is who will teach and watch your children while you are at work? Then you feel forced to send them to school unless your husband is making good money or someone is able to help you.
You are no doubt living in an unclean land with no morals or poor morals. Your children will learn from their wicked friends things that you didn’t want them to learn. You and I living in an unclean land, following the other nations lead is not serving Yahuah. We can’t be righteous and living among them. We are not in his Theocratic Government if we are with them. This is why the bible speaks of Israelites needing salvation.
How do we Return Back to Yahuah in a Strange land? The answer is simple!
We must Gather Together with the Righteous, not the Wicked.
1610s, “part of a city in which Jews are compelled to live,” especially in Italy, from Italian ghetto “part of a city to which Jews are restricted,” of unknown origin. The various theories trace it to: Yiddish get “deed of separation;” a special use of Venetian getto “foundry” (there was one near the site of that city’s ghetto in 1516); a clipped form of Egitto “Egypt,” from Latin Aegyptus (presumably in memory of the exile); or Italian borghetto “small section of a town” (diminutive of borgo, which is of Germanic origin; see borough). Extended by 1899 to crowded urban quarters of other minority groups (especially blacks in U.S. cities). As an adjective by 1903 (modern slang usage from 1999). Ghetto-blaster “large, portable stereo cassette-player” is from 1982.
- A usually poor section of a city inhabited primarily by people of the same race, religion, or social background, often because of discrimination.
- An often walled quarter in a European city to which Jews were restricted beginning in the Middle Ages.
- Something that resembles the restriction or isolation of a city ghetto.