Review of Jordan Maxwells “Life Symbols” on Gaia


I am posting this review because it is important that we know the deception that is going on.

Jordan Maxwell speaks with a double tongue in general. He is obviously still in the Illuminati or Mason society. In his new program supposedly about symbols, was really about disproving the Bible.

He hardly touched the subject of symbols but instead attempted to prove…

  • The Israelites never existed
  • King Solomon Temple was a fairly tale
  • King Solomon never existed
  • Yahuah never existed.

He tried to use the word Elohim to say we were made by many aliens not one God.

He smells of New World order because he also was pushing that the New Testament is really about a new age religion not end of the world prophesy.

It was really sick to have to watch. I even caught him throwing secret signs when he was speaking. He moves his glasses but they could have edited that out. It was no mistake. He wanted to do the eye gesture for his people.

Look at Jordan Maxwell Hand Sign

He said “what’s the real story in the Bible“, while he flashed this sign.

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