Signs you are “Playing the Whore”

If you have a “secret” relationship that no one knows about. You could be playing the whore.
Sex without a Covenant
If you are having sex, but you are not married by way of covenant. You never exchanged vows, no one heard you exchange vows. Your father never was asked for your hand in marriage and no dowry was paid. You could be playing the whore.
You were easy to “bed”
If you didn’t get a dowry and the man got you. You were “easy”. How many meals (if any) did it take for him to make you open your legs? You could be playing the whore. The dowry is a challenge for men because they have to invest in their wives. They work many long hours to finally save up for his wife. Do you think he will put her away so easy? All that work and money he spent on her? But a whorish woman is easy to put away! Also, a man working to get the woman he wants ensures to the woman that he even wants her. How do you know if a man is serious? He does anything to get you. How does a whorish woman know if a man is serious? Most men who gain women easy don’t keep them. If you were easy to “get”, you could be playing the whore.
No Future
You don’t see a future or family with the man, it is strictly or mostly sexual. Why are you not in control of yourself? Does someone or something have control over your spirit? Sex could be your addiction which puts you under possible control by witches or witchcraft. Witchcraft needs you to need or want something. They need you to be enticed. If sex is your addiction, you will be taken by witchcraft.
Money & Sexiness of men can be “addictive” for some women. They will yield to it and lose all self-respect. How much money did you yield to in your whoredome? $100? $300? $1000?
That’s sad. Not very much money.
You tried to use “witchcraft tactics” and got played
If you tried to “get a man” by using “sex”, then you tried to use witchcraft to get a man. It didn’t work for you because all you got was some free dinners (if you got that) and some presents. Hmmm, sounds like what Abraham did to Hagar. In the end, he sent her away with a bag of food and water when he was done. She even had his 1st born. If you are not the “one”. You will be sent away like Hagar. Below is the link to the story of Hagar & Sarah. Sarah was 100 yrs old and in her 90’s she gave Hagar to Abraham because she saw she was old and could not have children. Even though it was a mistake, at the time it was rational. Be that as it may, Hagar was used for a baby (sex for a baby not a wife) and as such, she was easily put away. If you are like Hagar and just a girlfriend or concubine. You may not “see” a future with the man, than you could be playing the whore.
Steps to Stop Playing the Whore
- The only fix is to repent!
- Stop sleeping with a man who is not your husband
- Make the relationship valid if you are in love. Press ret and do things right! (see my marriage book) and learn the 5 stages of Marriage