The New World Order Plandemic was Prophesied in the Bible


That’s right! The New World Order Plandemic was Prophesied in the Bible

When you go to Zephaniah chapter 3 you will find it, however, the title is a lie in most bibles  and it wasn’t translated properly.

It says “The Judgment on Jerusalem” in your KJV, but the chapter isn’t speaking to Jerusalem, it is speaking to Any and All Oppressing cities.


1 Woe Her Visions and Her Pollutions, The Tyrannical City (government rules the city)

2 She did not hear on the voice, She did not take on Yahuah’s instructions, She does not trust in her God, nor draws near.

3 Her Leaders in midst of her roaring lions, her judges are evening wolves, no ravage for morning.

4 Her forecasts are treacherous newscasters. Her doctors piercedBroken In spirited“. They violated the law.

5 Yahuah is righteous in the midst of her. He will do no unrighteousness. Morning to morning his judgment he reveals to light, never lacks, but evil knows no shame

6 I have cut-off the nations. Their corners (“blocks” are more likely looking at the hand sign) are in ruin. Their streets are waste without any passing by. Their cities are destroyed without any person. No Inhabitants.

7 I said, surely you will fear me. You will take my correction and her dwelling would not be cut off. All that I charged on her but they arose early and corrupted all their shameful deed.

8 Therefore wait for me, DECLARES Yahuah, wait for day I raise for prey. For my judgment is to gather the nations, to assemble the kingdoms, to pour on them my indignation, All my fierce anger. For with fire of my jealousy, she shall devour all the earth

For then will I return to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of Yahuah, to serve him together shoulder to shoulder, 10 from beyond to river of Cush, עתרי Itharey, Daughter of the Diaspora, shall bring Manakahthey. 


Let me explain each verse and some words in them.

Zephaniah 3:1


1Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!


– Woe Her Visions and Her Pollutions, The Tyrannical City (government rules the city)

הוי מראה ונגאלה העיר היונה׃

My Interpretation:

The Tyrannical City is a Cruel Dictatorship city that is “Unbelievable to the Eyes & has pollution”


Explained Below…

I look at all possible word translations to “crack” what the prophesy is saying. Sometimes it’s meant to confuse to protect the prophecy. All prophesies can seem like it’s talking about one thing, but then when the prophecy happens to be talking about something else. Its a riddle at times.

Word for Word Breakdown of Verse 1

הוי – Sorry, Woe #1945 of Strong’s Concordance, which I confirm

מראה – First, this word could have a few possible translations by looking at the symbols. I do not confirm Strong’s translation. I reject it! The translators tell us the meaning is from #4754 of Strongs, but when you read their break down they say they don’t know and the word is “Dubious”. That means they are guessing and we have a sign of mistranslation on our hands because they just admitted to guessing. Here are some possible meanings ..,

1) from seeing her #7200  or 2) from her seer #7203 3) from mirror #7209 4) from her sight, from her spectacle #7210  5) appearance #4758

מ = this symbol is a prefix that means from, but as a prefix it can also expand word to mean “a different word” associated with the root – רא   has to do with seeing, such as the word appearance in strongs #4758, vision #4759

ונגאלה – Second word, ” and polluted”. This word looks like the pollution is from vaccination when I look at the symbols.

Ga’al was translated defile and unclean.  The symbols also communicate a vaccine, which is interesting to see in this word “Ga’al”.

My book explains the #1 symbol for poison or unclean liquid.

העיר – This word says “the city”. Now you might ask, which city? 

היונה – Oppressing, When from a city, its speaking of a government and its “tyrannical ” .

See Strongs #3238

 Some other definitions are

 to “oppress, maltreat, perhaps suppress, vex, wrong, subdue

The best word here is Tyrannical!

Zephaniah 3:2

Verse 2, starts off with “She”. Who is “she”? In the previous verse, she was the Trannaical city. It is still speaking of “her”. That means any city that is Trannaical


2She obeyed not the voice; she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD; she drew not near to her God.


She did not hear on the voice, She did not take on Yahuah’s instructions, She does not trust in her God, nor draws near.

לא שמעה בקול לא לקחה מוסר ביהוה לא בטחה אל אלהיה לא קרבה׃


This is a lawless city. Doesn’t care for Yahuah’s laws and doesn’t seek his councel.

Verse #2  is saying that the Tyrannical City (referred to as “she) doesn’t keep Torah and doesn’t seek Yahuah nor his instruction, nor trust her own god. This is the sign of a Tyrannical City.


Word for Word Breakdown of Verse 2

לא שמעה – These words say “no hear her”, but it was translated as “She did not obey”.  They took the liberty of translating Shami’aH שמעה as “she obey”, but Shami שמע means hear or heard.

בקול – on voice, So this word makes sense because previously it says she didn’t hear, She didn’t hear what? — the voice. You an get the meaning of “not obeying” from correctly translating it. When a child doesn’t “listen”, they also “don’t obey”. Let’s translate the scriptures as close to the translation as possible. This is why people struggle to learn the language. These translators are bogus!

לא לקחה מוסר ביהוה – This is says literally  “no take her from instruction Yahuah”, but its better worded as “She did not take the instructions from Yahuah” or “She did not take Yahuah’s instructions”

לא בטחה אל אלהיה – This says literally “no security her to her God”, but better worded as “She did not trust in Alaheym (God)

לא קרבה -This is literally “no draws near” or “does not approach”, as it “does not approach Alaheym (God)


Zephaniah 3:3


3 Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves; they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.


Her Leaders in midst of her roaring lions, her judges are evening wolves, no ravage for morning

שריה בקרבה אריות שאגים שפטיה זאבי ערב לא גרמו לבקר׃


The Leaders are all wicked

Image result for do wolves eat in day

Wolves are nocturnal and will hunt for food at night and sleep during the day.

Feast or Famine

In one sitting, an adult wolf can effectively eat 22 1/2 pounds of meat, although this is the extreme and not the daily average. That would be a great feast, but an adult can go 12 days — sometimes more — without food, making up the “famine” part of their diet.

How Much Do Wolves Eat on Average? – Pets on

Zephaniah 3:4


4Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.


Her forecasts are treacherous newscasters. Her doctors pierced “the Broken in Spirit“. They violated the law.

נביאיה פחזים אנשי בגדות כהניה חללו קדש חמסו תורה׃


The respected professionals (news people now a days give “predictions and forecasts, thus making them a prophet”. Priests were health practitioners back in the day. Today health practitioners are doctors. The doctors stand in the place of priests and they break the law and pierce the “broken”. The key word is pierced mistranslated as pollute. See below” Vaccination pierce you. This is The best word used to describe it.

בגדות – this word comes from the word בגד meaning clothes, or cover. If you cover the truth you are deceptive or treacherous

treach·er·ous adjective
guilty of or involving betrayal or deception.
 חללו – this word is always translated as bored or pierced. The translators choose “polluted” because they didn’t understand how a priest could bore anything, but the priest is really doctors and in this world they vaccinate which is a piercing. Best word for vaccine 
קדש – This word can mean many things, but for most part it means “set-apart” or broken according to the symbols . It often refers to the whoredom or to the holy depending on whom it is referring to. When it doesn’t say “Qudash to Yahuah” then it is understood as “whore or unclean persons”. The doctors pieced the “broken in spirit “, the “broken”. Something broken is “set-apart” to wickedness usually but broken in spirit is this word too. You see 2 sides… the vaccinated and unvaccinated. They are set-apart with the priest and they have offered themselves as a sacrifice for their experiment to ease their fears cause they did not fear Yah

כהניה  – (usually translated as priset), I choose physician because the ancient people thought of doctors as priests

The physician as priest

According to the Encyclopedia Judaica, medicine and religion were closely connected for Jews in ancient times. Priests were “the custodians of public health,” and Jews in biblical times regarded the physician as “the instrument through whom God could effect the cure.” Accordingly, “Jewish physicians . . . considered their vocation as spiritually endowed and not merely an ordinary profession.” Moreover, Jewish history is replete with a “.

See this article on this page.

Modern Doctors are Priests

Zephaniah 3:5


5The just יהוה is in the midst thereof; he will not do iniquity: every morning doth he bring his judgment to light, he faileth not; but the unjust knoweth no shame.


Yahuah is righteous in the midst of her. He will do no unrighteousness. Morning to morning his judgment he reveals to light, never lacks, but evil knows no shame

יהוה צדיק בקרבה לא יעשה עולה בבקר בבקר משפטו יתן לאור לא נעדר ולא יודע עול בשת׃

My Interpretation:

Every day the criminal acts of the wicked in this Oppressive society is revealed, but the evil men still continue and are shameless.

Zephaniah 3:5 was translated ok, I don’t feel the need to review Manakahthey

Zephaniah 3:6


6 I have cut off the nations: their towers are desolate; I made their streets waste, that none passeth by: their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, that there is none inhabitant.


I have cut-off the nations. Their corners are in ruin. Their streets are waste without any passing by. Their cities are destroyed without any person. No Inhabitants.

הכרתי גוים נשמו פנותם החרבתי חוצותם מבלי עובר נצדו עריהם מבלי איש מאין יושב׃

My Interpretation:

If you don’t believe in what I am saying stay tuned. There is a sign for the time of these events for when it will happen.

Verse 6, has not happened. The nations are not yet cut off. When oppression increases yet more you will see cities in ruin and no one in them. The word corner is actually “street blocks” according to the symbol.  This is what I see in the hand sign and when you read further it seems to confirm because it then goes to state that the streets would be wasted with no one passing by. I see that no cars will be able to travel because the roads will be destroyed. City needs good roads and without them the people flee.

Will the Oppressors destroy the roads and kill everyone in the city? How will food get in without roads? How will people get around. Will there not be chaos?

פנותם – This word is from  פנ meaning corner, but a plural form. The translators say “Towers”, but I can’t say I 100% see it in the symbols.

החרבתי – this word can be translated as “dry or sword”, but here it is translated as desolate? I don’t believe this is correct.

Zephaniah 3:7


7I said, Surely thou wilt fear me, thou wilt receive instruction; so their dwelling should not be cut off, howsoever I punished them: but they rose early, and corrupted all their doings.


I said, surely you will fear me. You will take my correction and her dwelling would not be cut off. All that I charged on her but they arose early and  corrupted all their shameful deed.

אמרתי אך תיראי אותי תקחי מוסר ולא יכרת מעונה כל אשר פקדתי עליה אכן השכימו השחיתו כל עלילותם׃

Verse 7 is clear


Zephaniah 3:8


8Therefore wait ye upon me, saith יהוה , until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.


Therefore wait for me, DECLARES Yahuah, wait for day I raise for prey. For my judgment is to gather the nations, to assemble the kingdoms, to pour on them my indignation, All my fierce anger. For with fire of my jealousy, she shall devour all the earth


Yahuah is letting the nations know they will not get away with what they are doing.


The title that KJV gave for the Next verse is a lie too! Purification of the Nations“. Verse 9-10 speaks concerning “Itharey, which is me, revealing the language of Manakahthey. In this prophesy the word receives it and they call on Yahuah in one voice agreeing on his name. This hasn’t happened. It is giving you a heads up on the times.

Zephaniah 3:9-10

This verse gives us a timeline for the above…

This verse is the prophesy concerning  the Mankahthey language being returned and it concerns me. These 2 verse let you know when the above will take place. When the language is returned then the nations are to wait to be punished and the oppression begins from the Oppressive city. When the information for the language came to me, it was November 2019 and in March 2020, I was trying to write my book. The lock-down allowed me time to write the Volume 1 book. I saw the cities closed down and the people oppressed. Police were oppressing people as they tried to go through the city during the lock-down and there were protests, but people didn’t know the language.

When the masks came off things started to get back to normal but now lock-downs are around the corner and Covid 19 passports and forced vaccination is here. I see oppression and cities around the world oppressing people, but not all cities. Only “the Oppressive City”. There are many oppressive cities that all follow one agenda.

9 For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

10From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed, shall bring mine offering.

My translation Zephaniah 3:10

Zephaniah 3:9-10

For then will I return to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of Yahuah, to serve him with shoulder to shoulder, 10 from beyond to river of Cush, עתרי Itharey, Daughter of the Diaspora, shall bring Manakahthey. 

כי  אז  אהפך  אל  עמים  שפה ברורה  לקרא  כלם בשם  יהוה  לעבדו  שכם  אחד ׃

מעבר  לנהרי כוש  עתרי  בת פוצי  יובלון  מנחתי׃



9 For כי  (Key) then אז  (AZ)

will I return אהפך (AaHPaK) to אל (AL)

the people עמים (IMeyM)

a pure ברורה  (BaRuRaH)

language שפה (ShaPaH), to call לקרא  (LaQuRA)

all כלם (KaLaM) on the name בשם  (BaShaM)

of יהוה (Yahuah), to serve him לעבדו  (LaIBaDu)

shoulder one שכם  (ShaKaM) אחד (AKahD)

10 From beyond מעבר  (MĪBaR)

 to the river of לנהרי  (LaNaHRey)

 Ethiopia כוש  (KuSh),

 ĪThaRey עתרי daughter בת (BaTh)

of the Diaspora פוצי  (PuTsey), shall bring

יובלון (YuBaLuN) Manakahthey מנחתי .

Also, Yahuah calls Israel many times Daughter of Zion, Daughter of Jerusalem, but never “Itharey Daughter of my Dispersed”. The name, Itharey, is specific. Then Zephaniah states “of my Dispersed”. It should be very clear.

Who brings the language? 

עתרי  Itharey, the Daughter of the Diaspora, as stated in Zephaniah 3:10. No one ever came with this much proof, nor can anyone explain the etymology of Manakahthey words like I can. You would have to know that Hebrew was founded in sign language and know the gestures. The world didn’t know it until I revealed the pure language by the mercy of Yahuah.

Praise Yahuah!

Zephaniah 3:11-13

The rest of the verses, I will not translate because its fairly translated, however, I will add my comments.

11 In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.

12 I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the LORD.

13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies; neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.


Verse 11-13 speaks concerning the Isrraelites, after they received the language and gathered together as one people. Remember, in Zephaniah ch. 2, it called for Israelites to gather together.

Verse #13 says “afraid” but “terrified” is a better word. That is the only error, but not false that I found in verses 11-13


Look out how Zephaniah is a Neat Chronicle of Events

Chapter 1 of Zephaniah speaks concerning the Fall of Jerusalem and the punishment, the death and wrath that came on Yahuah’s people, the Israelites.

Then Chapter 2 of Zephaniah, Zephaniah 2:1-3 more specifically, Yahuah directs the Israelites to “gather together”. In Zephaniah ch. 1, the Israelites were kicked out of the land Israel and as we know, they were scattered. Chapter 2 picks up from the places which they were scattered to.

After the Israelites Gather together… The Nations Get Punished. We are not gathering thus far as we should (Sept. 10, 2021 I write this). I believe we need oppression to force us because we are hard-headed and relaxed to stay among the wicked nations. After a time, those who stay too long will not fair well. We need to gather together and now.


Israel’s Restoration – This is a good title. 

14Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.

15 יהוה hath taken away thy judgments, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even יהוהis in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.

16In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not thine hands be slack.

17 יהוה thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.

18I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, who are of thee, to whom the reproach of it was a burden.

19Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out; and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.

20At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith יהוה.

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