The Original Language of all mankind is Manakahthey

tower of babel

The Original Language of all mankind is Manakahthey
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In my book “Primitive Sign Language Volume One Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew”, I explain how the proper way to say Hebrew is Ibarey. This is true.  We commonly call these symbols …

א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ ץ ק ר ש ת

Ancient Hebrew or Paleo Hebrew, however, the bible calls it “Manakahthey”.  Manakahthey is Ancient Hebrew, Ancient Greek and Ancient Aramaic. How is this so? Noah and his family spoke one language – Manakahthey, not Hebrew.

I can prove this using scriptures as well as from the knowledge of the root meaning of the symbols above.

There will be a 2nd Edition of my book “Primitive Sign Language Volume One Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew” to replace the word “Ibarey” with Manakahthey as the Original Language. This information is to update you.

Many have speculated that “Hebrew” is the original language of all mankind, but they don’t offer much proof other than assumptions in scriptures. The Hebrew language as many currently know it, aka “Modern Hebrew” or any other various dialect of Hebrew comes from “Manakahthey “. People have been right and wrong. Let me explain how I discovered this name by visiting …

 Here  –

What is Ibarey or Hebrew?

Ibarey, as I always introduce my Ibarey language videos, is the proper way to say “Hebrew”.  However, the language of the Israelites was never called “Hebrew” or “Ibarey” This name believe it or not was recently giving to the language of the Hebrews. You see, the Israelites were called Ibarey Yeshar’al, translated as “Hebrew Israelites”, but the language was not credited to Ibar or any person Hebrew.  The translators told us this, but if you research the truth, you will find they lied.

What is Manakahthey ?

  1. Manakahthey is what we know as “Ancient Hebrew” or “Paleo Hebrew”
    • it is also Ancient Shem, Ancient Japheth or Ancient Hamitic language.
  • Manakahthey is the language that went without a name because there was no other, simply called “speech”.
  • Manakahthey is the not Hebrew, because Hebrew or Ibarey was named after a man named Ibar / Eber who was the great grandson of Sham/Shem.  His people have been speaking Manakahthey before he was born so it isn’t called by his name.
  • Manakahthey was the ONE and ONLY language around until the Tower of Babel and until people started to migrate away from the Fertile Crescent until a new language came among the children of Noah after the Tower of Babel.
  • Manakahthey utilizes the original symbols of what many known as “Ancient Hebrew”, but it didn’t belong only to the Hebrews, as seen below

א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ ץ ק ר ש ת

  • Manakahthey is distinguished from Hebrew because Hebrew has is a confounded language that has not stayed true to the original language.  Hebrew changed their characters, added vowels marks and extra letters that were not there.  Hebrew is a language of its own and it is not the Ancient Biblical Language.
  • Manakahthey symbols are the authentic symbols used by all mankind and not belonging only to the Israelites.
  • Manakahthey has 22 symbols  (3 vowels from the symbols)

EXAMPLE: ח (Kahyets) & ה (ahbal)

are similar looking symbols because the ח (Kahyets) symbol has the ה (ahbal) symbol on it’s wall. Kahyets is called “the wall”. The meaning of ח  is expressed in sign language utilizing the ה (ahbal) hand gesture. This ח symbol indicates this, but if you don’t know that Manakahthey was founded in sign language, you would not know the reasoning behind their similarities.

How do I know? My name is Itharey and I am the one who discovered Hebrew/ Ibarey was founded in sign language. Better yet, Yahuah revealed it to me.  I did pray for this revelation and it came.  My prayers were answered.  My quest to learn Ancient Hebrew and it’s true origins has found me in a place I didn’t expect to be. I found the original language of all mankind and it’s called Manakahthey.

I was prophesied to come in Zephaniah 3:10. My mission is to reveal the original language to mankind. Yahuah has returned the original language of all people and it is here. I know the meaning and the etymology of the Hebrew Language. The natural hand gestures of all people holds the evidence that will point back to the symbols mentioned above and prove that Manakahthey is the original language.

 Zephaniah 3:9-10

9 For then will I return authentic (pure) language to the nations, that they may call upon the name of Yahuah, to serve him with one shoulder, 10 from beyond to river of Cush, עתרי Itharey, Daughter of the Diaspora, brings מנחתי Manakahthey. 

 כי  אז  אהפך  אל  עמים  שפה ברורה  לקרא  כלם בשם  יהוה  לעבדו  שכם  אחד ׃

מעבר  לנהרי כוש  עתרי  בת פוצי  יובלון  מנחתי׃


9 For כי  (Key) then אז  (AZ) will I return אהפך (AaHPaK) to אל  (AL) the people עמים  (IMeyM) a PURE ברורה  (BaRuRaH) language שפה (ShaPaR), to call לקרא  (LaQuRA) all כלם (KaL) on the name בשם  (BaShaM) of יהוה (Yahuah), to serve him לעבדו  (LaIBaDu) shoulder one שכם (ShaKaM) אחד (AKahD) 10 From beyond מעבר  (MĪBaR) to the river of לנהרי (LaNaHRey) Ethiopia כוש  (KuSh), ĪThaRey עתרי  daughter בת (BaTh) of the dispersed פוצי  (PuTsey), shall bring יובלון  (YuBaLuN) מנחתי (MaNaKahThey).

Also, Yahuah often called his people “Daughter of Zion” or “Daughter of Jerusalem”, but never “Itharey Daughter of my Dispersed”. Zion is a singular term for a city of people; a plural term and Jerusalem is also. The name, Itharey, is specific. Then Zephaniah states “of my Dispersed”. It should be very clear to see “Itharey” is not the nation of Israel, but a woman from the people. To learn more about my name read “My name is Itharey” on

            PURE ברורה  (BaRuRaH)

The Synonyms for the word “Pure“- Genuine, Authentic, Unadulterated, Refined

The original language is PURE; meaning genuine, authentic, unadulterated and refined. This describes the universal sign language of all mankind.  The basic meaning of words can often be gestured.  Symbols and sign language paved the way for language and it is the foundation of the Manakahthey language for which the scriptures were written in.

NOTE: Modern Hebrew is corrupt and not pure by any means. Manakahthey has 22 letters and but Hebrew has over 29 characters and don’t forget those confusing vowel marks. The letters often are mistaken for different letters because it’s not very easy to distinguish without practice and fine tuning your eyes.

א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ ץ ק ר ש ת

The symbols above make reference to a particular hand gesture and sometimes similar various hand gestures.  It is easy to understand Manakahthey because it is engraved in our DNA.  We already know the Manakahthey language. I only need to remind you of what was once lost.  See the video to see the universal hand gestures (coming soon) on

Manakahthey is the Universal Language

Spoken Before the Tower of Babel & SOME TIME AFTER!

Yahuah said he would “return” the “pure” language. What language was taking away? The only documented language that was taking away from “all peoples” was the universal language during the Tower of Babel in the days of Ibar (Eber).  So the pure language is also the original language of all mankind.  Manakahthey is this language. The primitive sign language of Manakahthey proves that all people still communicate many meanings which the Hebrew/ Ibarey / Aramaic language utilize in their language.


  1. All Ancient nations came from the Fertile Crescent, therefore they are the so called “Phoenicians”.  The bible called them “the sons of Noah”.
  2. All mankind utilize natural hand gestures to communicate or emphasis their spoke word.
  3. These hand gestures are universal. In all countries they mean exactly the same thing. 
  4. Manakahthey symbols א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ ץ ק ר ש ת are instructions to gesture using the same universal hand gestures. I call this type of sign language: Primitive Sign Language, thus the name of my book.


Genesis 11

1And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech. 2And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. 4And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

5And יהוה (Yahuah) came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6And יהוה (Yahuah) said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

7Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. 8So יהוה (Yahuah) scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because יהוה (Yahuah) did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did יהוה (Yahuah) scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.  All mankind utilize hand gestures to communicate various meanings without ever being taught. These natural gestures can be found in Hebrew / Ibarey words. My book “Primitive Sign Language Vol. 1 Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew” explains the symbolic meaning of all Hebrew / Ibarey symbols, which are known as Ancient Hebrew symbols… א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ ץ ק ר ש ת

This is how I prove that Manakahthey is the original language from before the days of Ibar (Eber – improperly pronounced). We can not call it Hebrew because it was never it’s name. Ibar/ Eber is the language of the Israelites as we know it now because it has gone away from Manakahthey.

Genesis 10:

25And unto Ibar עבר were born two sons: the name of one was Palag; for in his days was the earth divided;

In the days of Ibar’s son Palag, the language of all mankind was confounded or turned backwards and the earth was divided according to the sons of Noah.  Language separates us and not anything else because the orgin of men is from Adam by way Noah’s lineage.  The confusion of language caused all of mankind to lose the original language, except for Ibar’s people. Hebrew/ Ibarey was named after “Ibar” who was a descendant from the line of Shem (Sham). In his days that the Manakahthey language was started to disappear among men.  Shem was the chosen nation whom the chosen people would come from, so of course they kept the original language the longest. I just proved it to you above. The confusion only came because Yahuah scattered the people to break their unity from building the tower.  The key to unity is language and understanding each other’s speech. They even have a language app  called “Babbel” this references the mulitple languages during the tower of babel.

Balal means “backward tongue” in Manakahthey. They translated “Balal” as confounded, but literally its backward tongue. This is why in Zephaniah 3:9, the language is returned and the people understand each other and therefore are at peace.  The Israelites are a scattered people. We speak multiple languages, but we need the unifying element of Manakahthey to become a nation again. You might think its a light thing or not needed by you are greatly ill advised if you do. Just as you ought to study the scriptures, you ought to study the language you should know the symbolic meanings of the letters. It is your heritage.

א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ ץ ק ר ש ת

If you want to know all the symbolic meanings and animated directions of the these symbols there is really only one place to get it, Read my book “Primitive Sign Language”

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