The Surprising Meaning of Dedication According to the Bible

Yahuah only wants those who show dedication to him, the rest he will “deal” with accordingly.
Yahuah will choose your punishment
Ezekiel 18:30
Who is dedicated?
All of the Children of Yeshar’Al are dedicated to him, however, many do Rebell
Dictionary Definition of Dedication
How are the children of Yeshar’Al (Israel) dedicated?
They are dedicated by a covenant which their forefathers made on the nation’s behalf.
In what ways do we show our dedication to Yahuah?
Now this is the right question to ask.
If you say you are dedicated to him, then you are saying you love him. If you love him, then you would keep his commandments.\
Dedication means giving up something to Yahuah
for example…
We give up a Day during the Shabath
We give up food during the Day of Atonement
We don’t dwell in our house during the Feast of Tabernacles
We don’t eat bread during the week of bread
We stay away from certain people. We give them up because of their negative influences.
If you are truly dedicated, you will be ok with letting go of anything for Yahuah’s sake. Remember, Yahuah will never ask you to kill one of your relatives for him. He will never ask you to do anything outrageous that will hurt you or another. Being dedicated to Yahuah is the safest thing you can do. Yahuah controls our lives. He can make things better or worse for us.
It is not always easy, but it is a requirement. An Israelite who is dedicated to him will keep his commandments. The commandments have many requirements of letting go of things in our lives and separating from people or acts.
The commandments of Yahuah may include instructions to deny oneself certain pleasures or actions that are considered against His will or purpose. For example, the Ten Commandments prohibit actions such as stealing, adultery and bearing false witness. If you don’t know any better, such crimes may seem hard not to do. Such laws were made for people who lean toward negative acts.
Following the commandments requires individuals to resist temptations and deny themselves certain pleasures that may conflict with Yahuah’s values. In addition, Yahuah may also prescribe specific rules and practices related to fasting or abstaining from certain foods or activities as a form of spiritual discipline or purification. By denying themselves these pleasures, individuals demonstrate their obedience to Yahuah’s commands and show their dedication to His will. In essence, keeping the commandments of Yahuah requires individuals to deny some pleasures and resist temptations as a part of their commitment to living a righteous and faithful life.
Denying oneself some pleasures and taking a day off, for example, is a form of dedication to Yahuah and can be seen as a sign of commitment and faithfulness. By denying oneself something for a higher purpose, one shows a willingness to put aside their personal desires and prioritize the beliefs and values one holds dear. It demonstrates that they are willing to make sacrifices and take difficult steps to show their devotion. Thus, in this context, denial can indeed be considered a sign of dedication.