Uncle Sam takes a bite out of Ben.

Uncle Sam takes a bite out of Ben.

According to the bible, what is usury?

usury is interest charged and according to the laws in the bible, its illegal to charge your people interest or usury for money borrowed, but we can charge a foreigner interest or usury.


Leviticus 25:36

Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy Alaheym; that thy brother may live with thee.

Ok, now learn more….

He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved. – Psalms 15:5

כספו לא נתן בנשך ושחד על נקי לא לקח עשה אלה לא ימוט לעולם׃

NaShaK נשך – usury


The word “NaShaK” comes from the word “NaShaK” meaning “to bite”.

The hand sign for this word is not a hand sign, its you biting down using your teeth. Think of it like a shark attack. usury is as a shark attack or bite. Thats why it’s littery called money on “bite” or NaShaK

https://biblehub.com/hebrew/5391.htm – NaShaK as in “Bite”

usury is a “Bite” out of Money

The money you get doesn’t buy as much as you think it will because you must pay back a bite of it.  Look at the mortgage for your house.

Look at the cost of buying a house on usury. A 30 year loan on a $200,000 house costs $698,000. Is it no surprise the bankers are so rich? They are lending out money that they don’t even have. For every $1 the bank has they can create $9 to lend out to anyone. All the bank needs is your signature.

What happens to the cost of homes when everyone takes out a mortgage?

The prices of houses increase

If everyone had to work hard to get a house, more people would build their homes and learn to build it. The price of houses would not be so high. When interest rate drop, more people buy and the prices of houses increase. The value of the house is really always the same, the cost to buy the house is the only thing that increases. The money that is charged on usury creates inflation. Money is being devalued the more it is used on usury.

Credit cards fees, interest rates, mortgages, late fees, overdraft charges are all usury in my eyes. You are not gaining anything from these charges. They are a “bite” out of money. These charges are the cost of being “advanced” money or advancement of things of value, for extra money.

If your bank pays $5

for an item on your behalf, they will charge you something like $35 in overdraft fees and then late fee’s if you don’t pay that, because they had to “advance” you money. Then you got used or usury was put on you. How much did that item really cost?

$40, That is Usury!

I am sure what you bought for $5 wasn’t worth $40, but in this scenario, that is how much it cost you.  No one would intentionally buy anything for $5 if they knew it would cost them $40 after they left the store. That is truly a bite out of money. The money you don’t have. Future money is eaten away before you even made it.

Usury hurts everyone, especially those with limited funds. Rich people need not worry about overdraft charges or late fees. They have overdraft protection (great credit) and they have enough money to always pay their bills on time. The late fees and the overdraft charges are there as usury to “kill” the poor man or woman, not motivating them to have enough money. It clearly is a way for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. As a matter of fact, rich people profit off of inflation! They are the ones who own the banks, credit card companies, and such and such. They are the ones who own the business that charges you late fees if you are past due 30 days. They are the ones who will give you “poor credit” making you spend more money on normal things because you didn’t pay your bill on time.  The price of things isn’t really what it seems when you are living in a society run on usury.


What happens when people are charged interest on money borrowed?

 The cost of the things they buy are increased depending upon the usury charged.

For example:

If you have a credit card, with a $500 limit and it charges you 25% interest, this means, everything you pay for costs you 25% more. That is personal inflation. Paying interest is paying personal inflation. If you didn’t borrow the money, you would pay the going cost.  You are not helping anyone in need by charging them extra for the things they need, that’s why Yahuah said not to charge anyone interest unless they are a foreigner.

Here is the Torah Law for Lending & Borrowing

Lending and Borrowing


The  American Dollar is a Debt Note

One Hundred US Dollar Notes, close up

What we call “money” in America is really a usury note. This piece of paper has no value except the value we put on it. Read it for yourself.

“This note is legal tender”

“for all debts, public and private”

This is where you get the saying that U.S. dollars are backed by the “full faith and credit” of the U.S. government.

The dollar is not really money, only if you believe it is and give it credit to be used as such. The dollar used to say

“This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury or at any Federal Reserve Bank.

It doesn’t say that because the dollar isn’t backed by gold or silver. That’s why we have inflation. Money is credit out of thin air by the banks and credit card companies in the form of usury. Banks lend out what they don’t have and you pay them back, what you get every month. If you don’t pay them, they take away what the money they didn’t have gave you. I know that sounds confusing. What the video below.

The above video at the end promotes Bitcon, but watch the full video. It does a good job in explaining fiat money.

At any moment, like the gas prices, you might wake up to higher prices. One day the gas is $3 a gallon, the next it is $4. What caused the price to increase 25%? The dollar decreased in value and it took a “bite” out of your ability to spend. If the money was backed by some real “commodity or metal” the value would be steady.

Buy real assets, real estate. Farm or create real goods. I see this system of usury is going to backfire and is before our eyes. Look what happened during covid.





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