White People’s Origins in the Bible: Lepers, Gehazi, Canaanites, Edomites

white people origin

Does the bible agree with Science? Do all people come from Black People or Africa?

Find out the origins of white people according to the scriptures.

Some may not want to know this truth; Adam & Eve clearly were not white, because it’s impossible for people of color to come from people without any color.  But it is very possible for a person of color to lose their color, as is the case of the “so called White Man”.

No offense, but this is what white people proudly call themselves. Until they realize that leprosy is nothing to be proud about. The Leprosy in bible is Mistranslated. It is actually referring to Vitaligo. Watch video and read scriptures that identify “Leprosy”.

Modern day Leprosy is not the same as Biblical Leprosy.

Biblical Leprosy is really Vitiligo. The term “leprosy” was a mistranslation.

This isn’t a racist video. What is racist is not being able to accept that white people came from so called black people.  Many Israelites have trouble accepting this because they don’t want to be related so close to so called “white people” and many so called “white people” don’t want to accept this because of a superiority complex.

Well, this video is based on the assumption that the bible is the truth, so it doesn’t take your racist opinions into consideration nor is it sensitive to your feelings of ignorance.



  • All men come from Adam through Noah.  – SEE POST
  • Noah’s 3 sons repopulate the earth and all the diversities we see are the results of Noah’s 3 sons.

This means, One man, being a “black man”, produced the nations we see before us.  Scientist have proved that black people have the DNA to reproduce all mankind. What is the problem then?

If Noah can produce all nations white, Asians and so called “black people”, then Issac being the Father of Jacob and Esau can also do the same because the scriptures tells us it was so.

Jacob became a nation called the Israelites, black is known as a byword.  See the curses of Deut. 28.  Esau became what many call white people, a social class term meant to uplift people who lacked melanin in skin because the vast majority of Israelites were not lacking in pigmentation.

Esau hated Jacob, and Jacob hated Esau since the womb.  The truth isn’t going to change because you hate or discriminate. It just is. Gen. 25 & 27 tell us Jacob and Esau were not identical many terms (weaker & stronger, separate etc.) were used to show the differences between the twins.

So why are foolish people assuming Jacob & Esau looked alike? Have you not heard of nonidentical twins before? Do you not know that the diversity of humans were see come from one man? Is it not possible? Is the scriptures lying. I don’t care what you believe, so I ask without really wanting to know. The truth is in the scriptures whether you are willing to accept it or not. Like most biblical truths, you will follow your heart if that is what you normally do regardless of what it says.  To you who want the truth, this video speaks concerning the origins of all White people and they are not one nation of people.

All white people are not Edomites. Remember there is a thing called “White Israelites” as well as “Black Edomites”, meaning you can’t judge someone based on skin color. You are who your father is else the scripture would not trace genealogy by the man or Y DNA!

This is not a hate video. The scientists you trust told you everyone comes from a Black person in Africa. This video explains and shows proof that it is indeed the case.

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