Witches Twist the Reality of Many Truths

A Witch is a Pagan
As such, they are deranged and twist the reality of many truths.
Karma is really Justice that Yahuah may do to anyone. It might be immediate, it might take years, but justice is real and Yahuah executes it in time. A Pagan or Witch will point this justice to Karma. Karama is justice from the Universe. Pagans worship nature. Nature is their god. The Universe is their god.
Yahuah made food & herbs for our healing. Let your food be you medicine and your medicine be your food”. Herbs work because it is made for us to provide healing benefits. Its not “magic”. Its YahScience.
From a deranged Wiki Witch How to Page
To a witch, only part of an herb’s power can be seen or understood by traditional Western medicine; the remainder is awakened by ritual and intent.
- Begin your plant magic by boiling a kettle of clean water.
- Pour a cup of water, and add two teaspoons of valerian root while reciting a short chant to drive away anxiety.
Notice how they incorporate “chanting”. Stay away from chanting. If you have anxiety. Pray, take a bath, live stress-free, and have some tea, but don’t engage in witchcraft by chanting or believing it’s “unknown” magic. It’s Yahuah’s medicine for our healing. Of course, it will work. Pray to Yahuah to provide you with healing and when you are healed praise him, not the herbs and not your wisdom. He can block you from being healed no matter how much tea you drink.
Another quote for Wiki Witch How to page:
Plant, soil, and earth magic. The so-called “green witch” or “cottage witch” not only learns to draw poisons, cures, and other powerful substances from plants, he or she also develops a close understanding of their natural cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. These witches are versed in protective magic as well, drawing from the natural world to ward off ill fortune.
One of the things that draw people into witchcraft is their knowledge of herbs and healing. Anyone who studies herbs will have knowledge on which one works or doesn’t work. Just because someone has herbs all over their house doesn’t mean they are a witch. We can use herbs. However, if you see water bowls, candles, tarot cards, and a big star on the floor; get out!
TWISTING “GOD” INTO “The Universe”

Pagans & witches both trust in nature. That’s why they believe plants are magical. They believe that nature is magical and the Universe is god. They don’t know Yahuah so they are “amazed” by his creation. As such, they worship the creation instead of the Creator. This is the key element of Pagans.
A key element in being a witch is calling up spirits to assist you in your spell.
Genesis 6:2, it tells a story of when Angels or “sons of God” came down on earth and slept with the daughters of men. The angels came and slept with witches. This caused the angels to fall. If a witch calls for a “spirit” to help them. It could be a fallen angel or an evil angel meant to trick them and make them fall. Yahuah sends his angels to test us.
The Torah / Thurath says not to use mediums or call spirits of the dead. Witches call themselves “spiritual” because they deal with “spirits” not because they are set-apart or holy. Stop saying you are spiritual unless you use mediums or you are a witch. If you believe in Yahuah, you are not spiritual. Believing in random spirits for your help is taking part in witchcraft and its deranged.
Learn about the origins of witchcraft and the laws that speak against its practice https://itharey.com/the-origins-meaning-of-witchcraft/