Zephaniah 3:1 – Woe Her Camera’s and Her Pollution’s, The Tyrannical City

The First Verse in Zephaniah 3:1 is about the Tyrannical City
Here it is in the Manakahthey.
הוי מראה ונגאלה העיר היונה׃
What is Manakahthey?
Paleo Hebrew for those who don’t know Hebrew came from Manakahthey which is sign language. My name is Itharey and Yahuah gave me the knowledge of the symbols. I can read the symbols and give you the interpretation based on the hand signs and scripture. I am in the prophecy of Zephaniah 3:10.
Zephaniah 3:1
1Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city!
Zephaniah 3:1 – Woe Her Visions and Her Pollutions, The Tyrannical City (government rules the city)
הוי מראה ונגאלה העיר היונה׃
My Interpretation:
The Tyrannical City is a Cruel Dictatorship city that has “Visions” (MaRA) & has pollution”
What is the Source of Vision on a Person?
What about a City?
My Interpretation:
The Tyrannical City is a Cruel Dictatorship city that has “Cameras” & has pollution”
What is the Source of Vision on a Person?
their Eyes! MaRA means Vision which implies that your eyes see. RA is the word to see in Manakahthey and MaRA is the word Vision which came from it.
What is the Source of Vision for a City? Cameras! Surveillance Cameras.
Zephaniah lets us that the City is Tyrannical or Oppressive. We know today that part of this oppression is eyes of the city watching our every move like “the Minority Report” movie. You need to know Manakahthey and understand how the original language of the bible works to spot mistranslated. When the bible was translated they didn’t have surveillance cameras so vision on a city didn’t make sense and they didn’t tell you the word was vision. From the word vision, I pondered the “vision” on a city and I got eyes.
MaRA means vision. Period. Now in prophecy there are potential of describing things that are not apparent at the time. Only in the future can we understand what the prophesy is. Zephaniah said “Vision” and we know a city can’t see unless there are cameras. Not surprisingly cameras are called “eyes”.
You have already been giving a vision of this Tyrannical City in movies.
Minority Report shows us how the Elites of the World want their cities surveillance. They want their cities to be “Smart”. You can’t be smart without Vision or Eyes to see. The city which has cameras has eyes.
Don’t forget
Cell Phone Eyes, Computer Eyes & TV Eyes
You are being watched and heard without your permission and sometimes they even admit it.
The Lockdowns were world wide and the oppression as well. Australia is on a different level of Oppression. They are descendants of criminal and the police that managed them.
This is all planned by Yahuah though the Wicked believe they are “Resetting” things. They are doing nothing but fulling prophecies and inspiring Israelites to gather together
This city has food, water, and air pollution.
Food pollutions such as GMO, hybrid seeds, imitation this or that,
Cloned meat for sale, hybrid fish for sale, fruits for sale that have genes of spiders or other animals.
Air pollution such as WIFI and other radiation. Chemical pollution from factories or airplanes to modify the weather.
Everything you buy is man-made and causes pollution and cancer From paints to soaps to almost everything.
The vaccination is a pollution of the body and this city pierces people with it.
The TV, internet pollutes the mind.
What about the pollution of education, and the destruction of the family.
Explained Below…
I look at all possible word translations to “crack” what the prophesy is saying. Sometimes it’s meant to confuse to protect the prophecy. All prophesies can seem like it’s talking about one thing, but then when the prophecy happens to be talking about something else. It’s a riddle at times.
Word for Word Breakdown of Verse 1
הוי – Sorry, Woe
#1945 of Strong’s Concordance, which I confirm
מראה – Visions
First, this word could have a few possible translations by looking at the symbols. I do not confirm Strong’s translation. I reject it! The translators tell us the meaning is from #4754 of Strongs, but when you read their break down they say they don’t know and the word is “Dubious”. That means they are guessing and we have a sign of mistranslation on our hands because they just admitted to guessing. Here are some possible meanings ..,
1) from seeing her #7200 or 2) from her seer #7203 3) from mirror #7209 4) from her sight, from her spectacle #7210 5) appearance #4758
מ = this symbol is a prefix that means from, but as a prefix it can also expand word to mean “a different word” associated with the root – רא has to do with seeing, such as the word appearance in strongs #4758, vision #4759
ונגאלה – and polluted
This word looks like the pollution is from vaccination when I look at the symbols. https://biblehub.com/hebrew/1351.htm
Ga’al was translated defile and unclean. The symbols also communicate a vaccine, which is interesting to see in this word “Ga’al”.
My book explains the #1 symbol for poison or unclean liquid.
העיר -the City
This word says “the city”. Now you might ask, which city?
היונה – Oppressing, Tyrannical
When from a city, its speaking of a government and its “tyrannical ” . See Strongs #3238
Some other definitions are
to “oppress, maltreat, perhaps suppress, vex, wrong, subdue“
The best word here is Tyrannical because it references a city