Day of Atonement
Day of Atonement The Law Leviticus ΧΧΧ§Χ¨ΧΒ (u'Ye-QuRA) 23:26 And ΧΧΧΧ (Yahuah) spake unto Moses ΧΧ©Χ (MaShaH), saying, 26ΧΧΧΧΧ¨ ΧΧΧΧ ΧΧ...
Day of Atonement The Law Leviticus ΧΧΧ§Χ¨ΧΒ (u'Ye-QuRA) 23:26 And ΧΧΧΧ (Yahuah) spake unto Moses ΧΧ©Χ (MaShaH), saying, 26ΧΧΧΧΧ¨ ΧΧΧΧ ΧΧ...
Shalom I am excited to present "Cycle of the Sun; A Guide to Discern the Shabath" It was released yesterday......
Shabath Laws Sabbath is incorrect, please use "Shabath". You will often see Shabath spelled as "Sabbath" but the Manakahthey letters...
7th DAY ShaBaTh β (Every 7 Days Since Creation) Β REMEMBER THE 7th DAY ShaBaTh, as it is written... Exodus...
How to Keep Passover in a Strange Land? You don't What you can do is remember the day and...
To Keep the Feast Days or Not? That is the Question. ARE WE REQUIRED TO STILL KEEP THE FEASTS OF...