Shocking Truth About Valentines Day! Cupid, Parentalia, Juno-Lupa, Romulus and Remus, Lupercalia, Nimrod


Shocking Truth About Valentines Day! Cupid, Parentalia, Juno-Lupa, Romulus and Remus, Lupercalia, Nimrod. This video is about the Truth about Valentines Day & nothing but that! This video expose the Pagan roots associated with valentines day. You will be shocked to learn what cupid really is!



The Pagan Origins of Valentines Day

Should Christians Celebrate Valentines Day?

Traditions: Date of February 14th, Is it a Christian Holiday?

Maybe a surprise to some, but there are more Pagan connections to Valentines Day, then that of Christian ones.


Juno-Lupa – The She-Wolf

This was a 3 day “Holiday for the Romans”,
Starting from February 13th to February 15th.
Peace, Love & household gods were celebrated on February 13th.
The 2nd Day of Parentalia, which is February 14th, was dedicated to Juno-Lupa the She-Wolf, who suckled Romulus & Remus.


On Febrary 14th, Young men and priests called the Luperci, would go to a grotto dedicated to Lupercal, the Wolf God.
They then would dress themselves in bloody skins of sacrifical goats. Afterwards, in an act of purification, run through the city of Rome from Juno-Lupa’s cave around the Palatine Hill, hitting women with the Februa, which are strips of goats skin, as they thought would “promote fertility.
Now we know where the name February came from!
February 15thwas the celebration of the 2nd Day of Lupercalia: Honoring the god of fertiliity
& the 3rd Day of Parentalia, dedicated to Juno Februata.  The Romans played out a rite of Romantic Roulette.  The Luperci drew the names of young woman from a box, thus paired by the gods, the couples remained paired until the following Lupercalia.

Cupid, The Roman God of Love

This is one of the MOST FAMOUS, Valentines Symbols!
As the son of Venus, he is often depicted as a mischievous, winged child who’s arrows pierce the hearts of his victims, causing them to fall in love.
Cupid is derived from the Latin word “cupido”, which means “desire”.

NIMROD, The Husband of his Mother



Brace yourself, cause what I am about to tell you gets really disturbing!
Nimrod was also called, Cupid as a child.
It is said that when Nimrod was a child, his mother saw him, she lusted after him and desired him.
So evil was Nimrod’s mother, it was said that she married her own son.  Inscribed on the monuments of ancient Eypt…
“the Husband of his Mother”. As Nimrod grew, he became the child Hero of many women who desired him.



In the book of Daniel, he is called “The Desire of Women”.
Daniel 11:37
He provoked many women to jealousy, that an image of him was often called “the Image of Jealousy”.


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