The Bible Explains the 7 Deadly Sins and Tells us More Deadly Sins
The idea of the 7 deadly sins originated in early Christian teachings as a way to help people avoid behaviors...
The idea of the 7 deadly sins originated in early Christian teachings as a way to help people avoid behaviors...
Day of Atonement The Law Leviticus ויקרא (u'Ye-QuRA) 23:26 And יהוה (Yahuah) spake unto Moses משה (MaShaH), saying, 26וידבר יהוה אל...
Yahuah is not playing If you play the whore in your father's house and your parents are in the truth.... Watch this video to learn why the ribbon or borders are not of blue, but violet. There are 15...
Gifts, Favors & "Help" Corrupts Good Judgment Proverbs 19:4 Wealth maketh many friends; but the poor is separated from his...
Shalom I am excited to present "Cycle of the Sun; A Guide to Discern the Shabath" It was released yesterday......
Popular Opinion Corrupts Good Judgement Having good judgement is part of being righteous. The word Tsadeyk means not showing respect...
Numbers 15:37-41 vs Deuteronomy 22:11 - Breakdown Lesson PATREON SUPPORTS: Download the Exclusive PDF for the breakdown of words in...
The Vow of a Nazarite - Setting apart to Yah נזיר להזיר ליהוה NaZeyR La'aHZeyR La'YaHuaH Anyone can choose...
Shabath Laws Sabbath is incorrect, please use "Shabath". You will often see Shabath spelled as "Sabbath" but the Manakahthey letters...
7th DAY ShaBaTh – (Every 7 Days Since Creation) REMEMBER THE 7th DAY ShaBaTh, as it is written... Exodus...
Judgement must have no partiality to the poor, rich or the great. Be righteous in your judgement and keep your...
No Man Can Pay for your Sins No man can pay for your sins, however, we can suffer the consequences...
Hebrew Torah Clothing Rant Quick summary about how and where and what and who to get Hebrew Clothes from....
How to Keep Passover in a Strange Land? You don't What you can do is remember the day and...
2 or More Witness Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR'eyM) 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity,...
The Law of the Trumpets & Historical Use of Trumpets in the Scriptures Times of Blowing the Trumpets Memorial of...
The General Laws for Human Relationships The general laws can be summarized in the these commandments in the Show Love...
Homosexuality is defined as "Sodomy" in the bible because the people of "Sodom" were largely homosexual. This is a translation...
Bestiality DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH ANIMALS Beauty & the Beast is another Disney X-Rated Cartoon Imagine the young impressionable...
Year of Release Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR'eyM) 15:1-18 At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. And...
Just Weights and Measures Deuteronomy דברים (DaBaR'eyM) 25:13-15 13 Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great...
Priests The image above I found while searching, it was titled by Evon Mills, however, I can't find is work...
Owner's Possessions Exodus שמות (ShuMuTh) 22:7-15 If a man shall deliver unto his neighbour money or stuff to keep, and...
Torah Concerning Joining the Nations of the World Leviticus 20:24 But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their...